View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Problem with EPG...

27-10-13, 12:31
Just insalled OpenViX on my Duo2 and it looks good... But I have a problem with EPG... If I choose XMLTV-Importer, the 9 out of 10 times 0 events are downloaded.. But then suddenly it starts to download the 10th time and it downloads about 37000 events... But when I open my Graphicg EPG, there is no EPG data... What I am missing?

Also if I try to use CrossEPG, Enigma crashes the when I choose CrossEPG from the EPG settings menu... Is this a known problem?



27-10-13, 12:40
What version of vix are you using?

27-10-13, 12:52
I have also issue with crossepg with ultimo. With build 766 crossepg xepgdb provides update gave me an error that it was unable to load sources. Now with build 769 system crashes. Here's log file from crash at attachment

27-10-13, 13:09
Build 769...

Edit: my crashlog is the same as the one above...


27-10-13, 13:13
Did you update by usb after build 750?

27-10-13, 13:17
i downloaded that 766 build with image manager and restored it from there with settings and plugins. Isn't that enough? Should i install latest build from usb?

27-10-13, 13:39
No I don't think it has to be by usb, however please try so this can be ruled out.

Rob van der Does
27-10-13, 13:42
No I don't think it has to be by usb, however please try so this can be ruled out.
No need: flash is flash.

27-10-13, 13:55
I downloaded build 766 and flashed it via USB and then upgraded via software update to 769...


27-10-13, 14:17
Just for test i updated from usb to build 766 + settings + plugins. After that updated latest 769. Same issue with crossepg, it crashes. xmltv importer seems to work with rytec finland.

Rob van der Does
27-10-13, 14:23
Please use Cross only for Open-TV (28.2E & 13E).
For other imports please use the seperate plugin XMLTV-importer.

Never set the two plugins to import at the same time. For XMLTV daily import should be after 05.00

27-10-13, 14:27
I have used crossepg earlier. Today was first time when i tried to xmltv importer because crossepg didn't work

27-10-13, 14:35
Please use Cross only for Open-TV (28.2E & 13E).
For other imports please use the seperate plugin XMLTV-importer.

Never set the two plugins to import at the same time. For XMLTV daily import should be after 05.00

Ok, so what can I do with my first problem... Where I see no EPG data, even if the import says it has imported over 36000 events?

(about CrossEPG, it crashes when I try to open CrossEPG settings to configure it, i.e. I haven't had a chance to configure it yet...)


Rob van der Does
27-10-13, 14:47
ad 1: that suggests a mismatch between the references used by the EPG and your channels (settings list). Are your setting up to date? where do you get them from?

ad 2: no idea. A crashlog might help to find the cause.
If problems are persistant (and the cause can't be found) flashing the box without restoring settings will probably help (as there is no common issue with Cross).

27-10-13, 14:59
ad 1: that suggests a mismatch between the references used by the EPG and your channels (settings list). Are your setting up to date? where do you get them from?

ad 2: no idea. A crashlog might help to find the cause.
If problems are persistant (and the cause can't be found) flashing the box without restoring settings will probably help (as there is no common issue with Cross).

ad 1: The settings is the one I chose under the XMLTV Importer menu, I just chose Rytec Norway as source there and manually imported the epg data, is there more I have to do? Or are you thinking about satelittes settings? If so, I chose 0.8W Ku band and 4,8E as I always do... :)

ad 2: As I said, just installed OpenViX and I have no settings to restore; settings have been manually applied (as I do anyway, never use the backup system of images...). Also I have sent the crashlog to the email listed in the crashlog file...


27-10-13, 15:42
looking to this BSOD, please bare with me.

27-10-13, 17:29
new fix is building, build 770, should be online soon.

27-10-13, 17:37
i downloaded that 766 build with image manager and restored it from there with settings and plugins. Isn't that enough? Should i install latest build from usb?

No I don't think it has to be by usb, however please try so this can be ruled out.

No need: flash is flash.

As rob says using the image manager to flash the receiver is perfectly fine and does the exact same job as with a USB stick, albeit faster and without having to use a USB stick.

Rob van der Does
27-10-13, 17:40
..... a Flash is a Flash is a Flash ....

27-10-13, 17:53
..... a Flash is a Flash is a Flash ....

unless it's one of these.


27-10-13, 18:39
very poor image quality phoenix:eek:

27-10-13, 19:39
now, now, we don't want to start the Bart thread again.:sofahide:

27-10-13, 23:28
Well, upgraded to build 770 and now CrossEPG works... :) But I still have problem with no epg data in my epg views and now I tried using CrossEPG but with the same result...
What am I missing here?


Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 06:28
But I still have problem with no epg data in my epg views and now I tried using CrossEPG but with the same result...
What am I missing here?

My reply to that was:

that suggests a mismatch between the references used by the EPG and your channels (settings list). Are your settings up to date? Where do you get them from?

I may have missed your answer to that.

28-10-13, 06:47
Well, I just said that I don't know where this mismatch is coming from... I have just done the same thing I have done hundreds of times when I install an image... Setup my tuners, scan for channels, copy my userbouquet.favourites.tv back and then choose Rytec Norway as source for EPG and then download EPG data...
Not sure where the mismatch might come from?

Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 06:53
Well, I indeed missed that then.


.... scan for channels, copy my userbouquet.favourites.tv back ....
seems to be a plausible reason for your issue (and exactly what I suggested).
Why scan and the revert to old settings? That's the wrong way around.

28-10-13, 11:29
That's the way I have always done it and never had any problems... How else can I keep my 50 channels favourite bouquet without having to build this bouquet from scratch every time? I also can not see how this can be wrong, since I always use the same satellite information (0.8W Ku band and 4.8E), the channel information should then be the same or?
What is is that I am not seeing here?


Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 11:36
You make a choice: either use settings prepared by enthousiastic hobbyists or make your own (or a mix of both).
If you make your own, you have to do it complete and good; that takes time indeed.

It's not that complicated, but I'm not going to write a complete how-to here. I'm pretty sure they will exist somewhere.

But what you do wrong is basically: you scan (and hence have the latest info in your settings) and then you overwrite your settings by implanting old settings. And especially with the huge amount of changes on 28.2 the last weeks (and not done yet) changes are huge that things go wrong.
And they do, as you have proven yourself :p

28-10-13, 12:07
You make a choice: either use settings prepared by enthousiastic hobbyists or make your own (or a mix of both).
If you make your own, you have to do it complete and good; that takes time indeed.

It's not that complicated, but I'm not going to write a complete how-to here. I'm pretty sure they will exist somewhere.

But what you do wrong is basically: you scan (and hence have the latest info in your settings) and then you overwrite your settings by implanting old settings. And especially with the huge amount of changes on 28.2 the last weeks (and not done yet) changes are huge that things go wrong.
And they do, as you have proven yourself :p

I see that but what I still have problem understanding, is why my bouquet should not work on OpenVix when hours before it worked fine on a different image? Also all my channels in my bouquet works as intended and I know there just have been some changes, also on 0.8W and 4.8E, but my bouquet is already updated with those changes... And since I used Rytec epg sources on my previous image, I really don't see why my procedure shouldn't work here as well... :confused:
(I have used my bouquet for at least 5 years, just updating it when needed...)


Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 12:21
I think I should sit next to you to see exactly what you do/did. I can't give that answer to you. But anyway you now know that the cause is in differences between the channel references used in settings and in EPG-data.

Maybe on the other image both the Rytec data and the service data were old and now you use new data for one of them?

28-10-13, 12:26
I think I should sit next to you to see exactly what you do/did. I can't give that answer to you. But anyway you now know that the cause is in differences between the channel references used in settings and in EPG-data.

Maybe on the other image both the Rytec data and the service data were old and now you use new data for one of them?

Perhaps... But if my service data is old, why can I see the correct channels using it?
I will try to make a new bouquet tonight with just a few channels and see if that works... (I have my doubt but... ;) )


28-10-13, 12:51
I have exactly the same problem and have been having it for months.
I live in Sweden, so I use the same settings as bjorntj.
A CrossEPG setup that had been working for a long time just stopped working. If I manually load EPG data everything is fine, but a few hours later all EPG is gone.
Per the advice in this thread I tried XMLTV instead. Configured it and did manual update and it just said "0 events". I noticed in another that other people also have this problem, so I tried the download several times and finally got some events downloaded, but EPG info is still spotty at best.

28-10-13, 14:00
are people storing there epg to usb and have they tried formatting usb again and check their settings,i too used xmltv and noticed maybe something different,is it suppose to read your channels first?

28-10-13, 14:06
I am storing on Internal flash....


Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 14:39
The location of epg.dat makes no difference at all; the file is a kind of hibernation file: when Enigma closes, the data is kept on a storage device. On startup it is read, so it is available again.
Only storing to flash isn't handy: sometimes the file can grow very large and cause malfunctions when in flash.

But back to the problem. Let's try to separate things.
1- If XMLTV doesn't download it's a problem in itself. Remind me which image you're using please? I take it you don't use Cross for XMLTV, but the separate plugin?
2- I agree that if channels are working, EPG should work as well. Although I can think of exceptions, if services are moving to other transponders they may be transmitting in simulcast; you might be looking at another transponder then the EPG is created for atm (just guessing here).

Can you send me your settings: I then can upload them to my box and see if I can reproduce the issue.

28-10-13, 15:25
I am using the XMLTV Importer that comes with OpenViX, under Settings and EPG.. Tried with CrossEPG also, XMLTV, but with the same result..

Which settings do you want, just my bouquet or more files? And where do you want it? As a PM or?


Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 16:56
The channel settings. So download with DBE or any other one and post here (or PM, makes no difference to me; nothing personal in there).

28-10-13, 17:09
Here you go....: 29878


Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 18:03
Naah, I need the complete settings as a settings editor downloads them from your box. This is only one file.

28-10-13, 18:17
Don't use such programs.. But you want every file under /etc/enigma2?
Or just lamedb plus the bouquet?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

28-10-13, 18:50
Just to clarify, I don't use Windows.. :-)

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 18:50
Lamedb, userbouquet, bouquets.radio, bouquets.tv, satellites.xml (if any).
I just want to copy your situation as good as possible.

28-10-13, 20:02
How about now? :)



Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 20:46
OK, I'll come back to you.

For XMLTV: which package do you download? Sweden?

28-10-13, 20:54
Rytec Norway...

Rob van der Does
28-10-13, 20:55
OK, I'll come back to you.

For XMLTV: which package do you download? Sweden?

As I had no idea what package, I thicked the boxes of Sweden, Finland and Norway; The result is a considerable amount of EPG has been populated.
Are there any specific channels that stopped working?
Will see if I have a moment tomorrow to look into this.

28-10-13, 21:08
Hmmm... I tried now, just for Norway, and now I have EPG data... I tried many, many times yesterday and once this morning, with no EPG data... So not sure why this works now... I haven't changed anyting... :confused:


28-10-13, 22:45
Does this have something todo with the fact that we changed from summertime to wintertime yesterday? I know EPG data around that change used to be troublesome... (but haven't had no epg data before, just one hour displacement.. But then again, I have never installed a new image the same day we changed time before... :) )


29-10-13, 00:06
one hr out a lot of people had wrong info for epg and summertime -wintertime can fix itself after a few downloads as current info should be correct,expect the same on return:eek::)

Rob van der Does
29-10-13, 05:15
I have a perfect EPG on all the channels in your favourites list, so I can't reproduce your issue.
The only thing I did is use your settings and import XMLTV Norway, Finland & Sweden.

So that brings me to the conclusion that your epg.dat was out of date. So in case of this kind of issues please delete that file (make sure to stop E2 first) and to do a new import after that. Then you have the exact situation as I had here.

Summertime has nothing to do with this; worst case you get wrong entries.

29-10-13, 08:42
Well, I always do that when I have EPG problems... I change runlevel to 5, remove all epg data files, set runlevel back to 3 and then import epg data again... Also did this on Sunday... So I have no idea why this suddenly works, maybe the rytec serverer(s) had som problems on Sunday (for the Norway source)...

But thx for helping.... :)