View Full Version : ET-9x00 boot problem

23-10-13, 23:26
Hi, Can anyone help..
My et-9200 was working perfectly on openpli 3.0 image ,today I decided to upgrade firmware openpli 4.0 beta, all flashed with no problems , loaded all plugins and channel settings, then did a full restart, now box boots as far as showing "Booting..." and nothing else happens.. I have a picture on the screen , see attached photos..
I cannot ftp or telnet with dcc as before..
I have tried to reflash with different usb's, also tried to flash different 3.0 images, all with the same problems...Stuck Booting..
Any help would be appreciated..

Rob van der Does
24-10-13, 05:09
I would try to flash another image (e.g. ViX).

24-10-13, 07:27
I did.. 762 and 763, also tried vix 2.3 from last year, nothing works.
Every image I use flashes ok but then gets stuck booting..
Any ideas?

Rob van der Does
24-10-13, 07:41
Is there an internal HDD? If so: disconnect it.
If that doesn't help: make sure no other connections are made to the box (no ethernet-cable/USB/eSATA).

24-10-13, 20:07
Unplugged internal hd and network cable , and it boots no problems.. plugged in network cable and box stuck on booting.. took out network cable and box boots..
What's the story there??

Rob van der Does
24-10-13, 21:24
1- Apparently there's nothing wrong with your hardware. HDD can be used again
2- It looks like you have a (very) wrong entry in your fstab.
If your happy to manipulate that file yourself: open the file (in etc/) with a suitable editor and delete the entry.
If you're not happy doing that, you can post it here so we do it for you.

24-10-13, 21:42
I'll give it a go.. do I delete everything in it and save?

Rob van der Does
24-10-13, 21:49
No not everything. The upper part looks like

rootfs / auto defaults 1 1
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs noauto 0 0
tmpfs /var/volatile tmpfs defaults 0 0
UUID=1106bb14-f62d-4e62-b1e1-12c8c8893930 /media/hdd auto defaults 0 0
and should remain untouched.

Look for an entry like /media/net/ULTIMO1 nfs _netdev,rw,nolock,proto=tcp,nfsvers=3,rsize=8192,w size=8192,timeo=14,fg,soft,intr 0 0
and delete it. Reboot when done.

24-10-13, 23:21
I don'y see any of the lines you wanted me to delete.. see attached fstab file..

Rob van der Does
25-10-13, 05:35
Hmmm, indeed. That means you have no internal disk either!
To fix that: go to the mountmanager and mount the HDD.

Could you please upload your automounts.xml (in /etc/enigma2 )?

25-10-13, 07:57
Hold on I didn't have internal hd connected.. will connect and reboot and post fstab again.

Rob van der Does
25-10-13, 08:04
Hold on I didn't have internal hd connected..
Yes, I know, but disconnecting the HDD should not delete the line from fstab.

25-10-13, 08:28
Ok.. Rebooted anyway with harddisk connected, fstab looks the same as you suggested.. no automounts.xml present in etc/enigma2
Harddrive is working as I can see all the recorded programs on it when I press filelist on remote,

Rob van der Does
25-10-13, 08:38
Hmm, I'm lost.

Can you please go to Mountmanager, press setup mounts and mount the HDD as HDD. And see what the fstab is then?

25-10-13, 21:06
Well..Downloaded device manager, unmounted internal harddrive and remounted, restarted enigma2 and it booted fine..
I have 0 problems now, boots every time..
Don't know why harddrive remounting sorted this but it did..

Thanks Rob..

Really appreciate it..

Rob van der Does
25-10-13, 21:24
Well..Downloaded device manager, ......
Euuhhhh? What device manager? If you're on ViX: please don't do that. The mountmanager is embedded in the ViX-menu (blue --> ViX --> MountManager).