View Full Version : YouView 7 Day CatchUp TV Plugin

23-10-13, 16:17
Does anyone think this kind of plugin will ever happen or be possible just like the YouView box does today?

23-10-13, 16:48
Try the OnDemand plugin from feeds.
It hasn't got Channel 5 or 4 at the moment due, I think, a combination of coding/rights issues.

11-11-13, 02:26
Is the picture quality automatically adjusted to broadband line speed?

Is it likely that there will ever be a facility to record a programme?

13-11-13, 14:32
Youview is the easiest option I think.
I picked up a used TalkTalk Youview box from ebay recently for £40. Gives you access to all the Catchup providers (except SKY).
It seems that many people think that you need to be a TalkTalk or BT customer. Nope, just buy the box.
The Youview box now sits next to my Duo and works a treat.

13-11-13, 14:36
plus it has a 320GB drive and can record 2 channels at once. Or view one/record one.