View Full Version : HELP!! - VU SOLO 2 Stuck in Boot Cycle

20-10-13, 17:44
Please can someone help me??

My VU Solo 2 is stuck in a boot cycle and just keeps rebooting itself.

The error message doesnt seem to be the same each time but below is an example:

Set Values 95
Set Volume 100 100 (raw)
Set Volume 00 (-1db)
Set Volume 95 95 (raw)
Set Vloume 4 4 (-1db)
[Log Manager] Trim Poll Started
[Log Manager] Trash Poll Started
Playing 1:0:19:1b1d:802:2:11A0000:0:0:0:
[Picload] Set Para Max-X=100 max Y=60 aspect_ratio=0.000000 cache = 1 Resize =1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] Set Para Max-X=100 max Y=60 aspect_ratio=0.000000 cache = 1 Resize =1 bg=#FF000000
[Picload] decode picture../usr/share/enigma2/vix-Night=HD/picon_default.png
[Picload] decode picture../usr/share/enigma2/vix-Night=HD/picon_default.png
Traceback (most recent call last)
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/Python/Navigation.py",line 70 in dispatch event
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/Python/components/ServiceEventTracker.py", line 74 in event
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/Python/components/Timeshift.py", line 196, in_serviceStarted
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/Python/components/Timeshift.py", line 763, in ptsCleanTimeshiftFold
OS Error: [Errno5] Input/output error:'/hdd/timeshift/timeshift.09BapE'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method navigation.dispatch event of <Navigation.Navigation instance at 0x151c1e8>>,(0,))failed)

I believe I would have been using the latest build of Vix as I think I had this set to update automatically.

Any help advise would be greatly appreciated hopefully in a step by step guide as I am not very familiar with the software / workings of the box. (Mine came pre-flashed so I didnt even do that)

If there were an emergency service for this type of issue I would be on the phone already!


20-10-13, 17:57
as it's in a bootloop you should still be able to FTP into the receiver to retreive any cam configuration files you may need, once thats done just reflash the receiver and start again.

you can find a tutorial for flashing the box here.


20-10-13, 19:08
Hi Pheonix,

Thanks for your quick response!

I have followed the guide and reflashed, but it doesnt seem to have resolved the issue.
Whilst doing the reflash it detected previous back ups, I have tried restoring these and I have tried just a fresh load to no avail.

It takes me through the set up wizard but once through that it just enters the same rebooting sequence.

What would you reccomend as the next course of action?

20-10-13, 19:20
What build are you flashing ?. Do not try to restore a backup incase that is also corrupted.

20-10-13, 19:25
I am flashing build 753.

I should add that I manage to get it to complete the scan and it finds all the channels.

20-10-13, 19:32
Is this a totally fresh flash with nothing restored ?

20-10-13, 20:04
Yes I went for the totally fresh flash. I did not use the restore wizard.

20-10-13, 20:15
The Channel Scan reached 100% but remained with the title "scanning" and the Vu Solo 2 also said scanning.
When I pressed the ok button an error message popped up (didnt get chance to see it.)

I managed to download the autoboquet info.
The Cross epg does seem to grab channel details.

Then I pressed up on the channel numbers and I'm back into the boot cycle again.

20-10-13, 20:21
Sorry this should have read "The cross epg does not grab channel details.

I did actually manage to do a system update to take the build to 760 prior to making it crash.

On this attempt I realised I got an error after selecting the tuner too.

21-10-13, 20:08
Is anybody able to to help?

I am able to watch movies stored on the hard drive....