View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] AutoTimer - Series Link

19-10-13, 14:24
I'm looking for AutoTimer in the VIX plugins list but I cant find it.

I'm looking for something which works like series link because on a few occasions I've found the show I wanted to watch was moved and I missed it. Any help appreciated.

19-10-13, 14:37
it is embedded in the image, our version is different to any other image, it is completely integrated, just open your epg and press REC button or 'Blue' button, to via your autotimers press MENU then goto Timer, then AutoTimers.

19-10-13, 15:52
Ok I've been using that then but how do I set up series link? All I can see is a repeat daily, weekly function. Is there a way to follow a show like series link?

19-10-13, 19:47
Ok I've been using that then but how do I set up series link? All I can see is a repeat daily, weekly function. Is there a way to follow a show like series link?

choose add AutoTimer