View Full Version : Flash space problem

17-10-13, 11:11
Hi All,

I have a flash space problem on my VU+ UNO, this is the output of the df -h:

Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
ubi0:rootfs 98.8M 98.3M 464.0K 100% /
devtmpfs 134.3M 4.0K 134.3M 0% /dev
tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
/dev/sda1 186.3G 10.7G 175.5G 6% /media/hdd
tmpfs 134.4M 92.0K 134.4M 0% /var/volatile

I've set EPG. logging and record location to HDD but still running out of flash.

Any suggestions?


19-10-13, 00:11
No one?


19-10-13, 00:43
reflash? & don't restore any settings...

19-10-13, 06:54
Possibly a log file from your softcam?

19-10-13, 16:31
Yes, I could reflash but this is not my first option.

The only cam I've installed is Oscam and I've turned off logging.

Could it be some timeshift or lost recording file?

19-10-13, 20:07
Timeshift should be on the hard disk. The other possible cause is your EPG settings. The EPG is best put on a USB or Hard Disk if you don't have a USB. You might have done this but some residual files might be left in the flash.

I suggest you use an FTP session to go through the files to look for any obvious large file out of place. Just go through them individually - remember you are looking for something huge compared with any other file in the flash. Your top line should only show about 55.0 used on a Uno. You are looking for a file of about 45,000,000 bytes in your FTP lists - it should be obvious when you see it.

08-11-13, 15:09
Any specific directories to look into as a first point of call.

08-11-13, 23:59
You are jumping into someone else's thread without giving any details of your own question.

I suggest you start a new thread giving as much detail as possible.

As a quick check look at var/lib/opkg/lists/openvix-mips32el - there are a number of threads regarding this problem.

09-11-13, 00:07
Have a separate thread open; symptoms are practically identical to this.

Managed to track t back to another thread with some great info


This managed to resolve the issue at least for now until the file bloats again


25-11-13, 21:53
I have a 1+ GB file at var/lib/opkg/lists/openvix-all. How is this possible, is this a link?

I was able to transfer it with ftp, is it safe to delete this one?


-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 4511 Jun 08 12:21 ocram-picons
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 20396 Jun 08 18:21 openvix-3rdparty
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 1453637632 Jun 08 20:46 openvix-all
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 5794100 Jun 08 12:21 openvix-mips32el
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 794072 Jun 08 12:21 openvix-vuuno

25-11-13, 21:59
yes, delete it & run opkg update from a telnet session to download an uncorruped version.