View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Help removing NAS entry in Network Server Listing and Location Listing

15-10-13, 16:12
Hi all,

Apologies for the potentially simple question but I am new here.

I would like to remove this entry named 'MultimediaQNAPTS469L' from the network server list (see attachment named 'screenshot').

I would also like to remove this entry from the 'list of storage devices' see attachement named 'screenshot2'.

Would anyone be kind enough to help me out with some simple instructions? Note that I have removed all mounts from the mount manager, but this entry still insists on appearing. Whenever I press the yellow button to select a location when browsing the file list, the entry for multimedia still appears, see screenshot 3.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Kind regards


15-10-13, 16:30
check your /etc/fstab file.

15-10-13, 16:31
network server list - menu>setup>system>network>mount manager and delete

15-10-13, 17:08
Hi Stanman. Sorry if I wasn't clear in my opening post, but there is nothing in the mount manager.

15-10-13, 17:09
hi andyblac, sorry to be a pain but how do i go about doing that?

15-10-13, 17:54
hi andyblac, sorry to be a pain but how do i go about doing that?

open the file via FTP and delete the line.