View Full Version : EPG on VU+ Duo 2 Blackhole 2.0.6

09-10-13, 19:45
Guys I'm looking for some help with setting up a Multi EPG on my new Duo 2.
I'm using Blackhole 2.0.6.
On my old Etrend ET 9200 using Vix image I would just run Autobouquets and then after it did its thing I would press EPG on remote and it would all load up OK showing a similar EPG to Sly layout with program details and descriptions, brilliant.
Now on the Duo 2 I installed Autobouquets and it ran but I don't know how to get a similar setup going here. I have to press EPG then Multi EPG (Blue button) then pick a bouquet but then I just get a bog standard black and white list of channels that shows no program details or anything. I have tried a couple of EPG from the feeds and they were rubbish, Cool and Merlin I think.
I just want to be able to press EPG on the new remote and be taken straight into a decent multi EPG where I can scroll forward through the days and look at program info and set timers etc.
Been trying this for the last 2 days and going round in circles.
Any help guys?

14-10-13, 21:24
Just set crossepg to usb stick.:thumbsup:I use crossepg instead,Blackhole epg never been very good to Italy channels.

15-10-13, 12:10
Thanks mate !