View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] AMS AdvancedMovieSelection 3.2 on ViX

07-10-13, 10:02
I istalled AdvancedMovieSelection (AMS) on duo2. This was possible only adding the missed RecordPaths.py from another image (VTi).

With this workaround AMS works on ViX (till now) without visible problems.

My question: which issues can cause this "borrowed" RecordPaths.py ?

Rob van der Does
07-10-13, 11:11
What is it used for?
What functionality does it add?

What did you miss; what made you decide to look for a plugin?

07-10-13, 21:05
What is it used for?
What functionality does it add?
What did you miss; what made you decide to look for a plugin?
I use this plugin from the first version. It is the swiss-army-knife for you recordings. Runs perfectly on both my boyxes and all images (except PLi).
AMS can be used simultaneously with tho original channelist (staring it with another button)

I know, the channelist of ViX has many nice features but not all this:

-------------- AMS functions:
-cover display
-movie info search over tmdb
-movie info/cover download over tmdb
-own movie info screen (info button)
-movie info/cover can also be displayed for non *.ts movies while played
-lcd/oled screens
-manual search in download movie info/cover
-more services can be displayed in the lcd/oled
-movie info/Cover options in the menuof the movie list
-*.cutsr and *.gm files also deleted if availiable
-with long info the merlinepg can be started while playing
-action while start/stop/end of movie can be set in settings
-set position of the movie Infobar
-with long info the cooltvguide can be started while playing
-question to reboot box or only Enigma2 when disabling the plugin
-color for movie status in the list can be changed
-date in the movie list can be enabled/disabled
-movie length in the movie list can be enabled/disabled
-format of date can be changed in the movie list
-nl translation (thx @ Bschaar)
-channel name on/off in the advanced oneliner list
-icon in the movie list for new recordings (only availiable with gp3 installed)
-icon in the movie list for new recordings can be set on/off in the settings (only availiable with gp3 installed)
-cover displayed for directory (folder.jpg must be availiable in the directory)
-mini tv can be set on/off
-directory name instead of folder.jpg for the display of covers with directories (can be set on/off in the settings)
-tageditor fix in the plugins (can be set on/off in the settings)
-tags can be assigned to timers and autotimers
-display tags can be set on/off in the movie list (function availiable in the standard/compact and advanced list if the channel names are disabled)
-automatically start the movie at the first marker (can be set on/off in the settings)
-filter according to tags can be assigned to a color button, and/or display in the menu of the movie list
-if the yttrailer plugin is installed, it can be started over the menu of the movie list (can be set on/off in the settings), can also be assigned to a color button
-movie description while searching/downloading covers/info scrollable(buttons left/right)
-movie description in info scrollable
-exit button can be activated to stop the movie
-option download covers/info for ALL movies can be switched on/off in the settings
-while searching info/cover the movie list is reloaded after exit/save
-bookmarks can be displayed in the movie list
-show/hide bookmarks can be assigned to a color button
-TMDb search and saving cover/movieinfo for single movie can be startet over color button
-icon in the movie list for new recordings can be set over the menu, or when activated it will be reset automatically when setting the movie as unseen (only active with gp3 installed)
-set movie as seen/unseen can be assigned to color button, also the reset of the icon can be assigned
-info messages can be enabled/disabled
-alternative jump functions
-two new options when end of movie reached (box deep standby and box in standby)
-info in the movie list and trashcan when confirmation before delete is activated
-delete movie while still recorded no longer possible
-movie from start when stopped x minutes befor movie end
-display channel logo for dreambox recording when no cover availiable
-usb devices can be displayed in the movie list
-display channel logo on/off
-zoom channel logo or keep original size
-path for channel logos can be set
-back icon instead og directory
-hide files/directories (with gp3 over the gemini_DateiBrowser.conf and with cvs images over the AdvancedMovieSelection.conf in /etc/enigma2)
-multi-selection (with radio button)
-color for multi-selection can be set
-movie description and cover/channel logo displayed in the movie infobar (if the MoviePlayerExtended screen in the skin is availiable)
-delete active recording incl. timer (with or without confirmation)
-trashcan function can be assigned to color button, and switched on/off in the menu
-channel logos displayed centered also with the original size
-if availiable the short description is displayed in the movie list as wall in the lcd/oled while playing movie
-display while playing movie from active skin or from the plugin
-trashcan amptied automatically
-genre is displayed in the movie list when availiable (only for non-*.ts files)
-directories and movies can be renamed
-ask if movie should be deleted and return to movie list
-with long info the merlinepgcenter can be started while playing
-with missing short description the oled/lcd display can display the date of the recording, the time of the recording or the actual date
-remote maintenance (empty trashcan from remote boxes), only possible with activated trashcan (settings are availiable menu -> settings -> menu reachable, or can be displayed in the menu of the movie list)
-display the movie length for non-*.ts files from the eit file when availiable
-display the size of directories/bookmarks in the movie list (with or without subdirectories, andof course parameter in the settings, also decimals settable)
-rename bookmarks
-percent or progressbar in the movie list
-file size in mb/gb, with gb up to 3 decimals selectable in trashcan
-status display in trashcan (number of files and total size of the files in trashcan)
-remote maintenance selectable over menu button in the trashcan
-standard list view (advanced) added
-optical rating (stars) for tmdb search & d/l
-remote maintenance server kan be switched on/off
-show directory(on/off) can be assigned to color button
-mark movie as seen/unseen (in toggle modus) can be assigned to color button
-sort according to description
-tmdb search & d/l if no match found, and an & is in the search string, automaticcaly the part bevore & is searched again
-timer list can be accessed over the color buttons
-search ans save info/cover from thetvdb.com (@thetvdb.com thx for the api key)
-display cover for series (series.jpg must be in the directory/path)
-in the info overview of the movie the previous/next movie can be selected with left/right
-preview of the selected movie in the movie list
-check if bookmarks/mounts are online
-display changelog for the versions
-changelog in German, English and Dutch
-playing blu-ray disc formats (iso and structures)
-movie preview in fullscreen
-voluntary self regulation with sync from tmdb
-recorded movies are marked in the EPG (configurable in the settings)
-movies can be filtered according to the description
-choice if info from tmbd and tvdb should be overwritten
-backup and restore movie list settings
-automatically cover download from tmdb after timer record
-automatically show changes after update
-DVDPlayerExtended with CoverPreview and InfoView
-leaving dvdplayer with exit button without question
-cover from tmdb can be selected with left/right
-move and copy of movies with progress view
-thetvdb, tmdb, ofdb and imdb plugins can be called directly from the movie info
-the sort function will be stored for each directory and is shown before the movie location path
-sort functions can be choosen for quickbutton
-backup path will be stored
-seen/unseen with multiple selection
-free space checking for destination before copy/move
-progress of copy/move can be disabled
-endless replay can be started or stopped in the menu at the end of the movie
-function selection for long presses of the color buttons
-now it's possible to assign 8 different bookmarks to the colored buttons
-new direct search with the number buttons of the remote or keyboard
-database for selected locations
-fast search in database
-fast display of all files in database
-fast sorting of all files in database
-file size only displayed for directories in database
-tmdb and tvdb search for directories
-info for directories
-switch database/movielist with quickbutton
-the last selected movie will be shown after standby/reboot
-retention time for movies in wastebasket
-option to show disk usage in description

Rob van der Does
07-10-13, 21:14
Hmmm, apart from some cosmetics (coverart/preview) I can't really see much new. Maybe I overlook it?

07-10-13, 21:23
:)... multi-selection with RADIO ?

Rob van der Does
08-10-13, 05:31
:)... multi-selection with RADIO ?
Enlighten me: what's that doing?

08-10-13, 07:07
You can select or deselect many movies from the list with RADIO-button. Selected items will marked marked as '1 - ', '2 - ' etc.
Than you can delete, copy, move, mark as seen or unseen all selcted movies.

08-10-13, 07:17
this plugin is a bit problematic:

"This plugin may only executed on hardware which is licensed by Dream Multimedia GmbH."


Rob van der Does
08-10-13, 07:18
Ah, knew there was something wrong with it.

08-10-13, 07:37
this plugin is a bit problematic:
"This plugin may only executed on hardware which is licensed by Dream Multimedia GmbH."
AMS is downloadable on BH and VTi images

Rob van der Does
08-10-13, 12:27
Well, both Blackhole and VTi are known for breaking licenses; even the way they provide their images is a violation of the the GNU-licence (as they don't provide a copy of the sources).

Anyway: we do. At least we do our best to comply with licenses. That's the very reason quite a few plugins are not available on our feeds.

08-10-13, 13:23
I tried the original version and get

"Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-advancedmovieselection (3.2-20130928-r1109) to root...
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-advancedmovieselection:
* kernel-module-isofs * kernel-module-udf * enigma2 (>= 3.2cvs20111016) *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-advancedmovieselection."

So if this could be installed on other STBs it must be manipulated I think.


08-10-13, 13:51
try with 'opkg install /tmp/*.ipk --nodeps'

10-10-13, 16:33
My question: which issues can cause this "borrowed" RecordPaths.py ?

vix does not use that py, ViX has it own way configuring RecordPaths.py, and if the plugin depend on any py, it is trying to hack it, so sorry i will never support a plugin trying to hack stuff.