View Full Version : scanning different sat problem

05-10-13, 09:30
on an older 722 firmware i decided to scan hotbird as box was setup on 28.2,went in to tuner config and changed it,cable into lnb2,did an automatic scan found 1800+ channels and at the end error log which i cant see as no record of it,no channels and no hotbird sat:eek:did another scan found channels then to my horror no lan:confused:network test,reboot of box and modem all failed,tried an earlier backup that failed another error log,and no record of it again,tried other cable lan flashes in box before and after.
should scanning cause this or is it another buggy firmware:confused:
no hotbird on sat or channels both tuners reset to 28.2:)

05-10-13, 23:20
Hi mate

In you tuner setup how many bird have you config to see, if its config to only one then you need to change it so u can add others up to 4 birds can be stored as fav. Also check your satellite xml file make sure it list all the available birds.
Last of all why scan when there are plenty of settings availabe which you can download and edit to your needs then upload to the receiver using an editing tool.

06-10-13, 10:55
originally it was used for 28.2 with 2cables,removed 1 and used the hotbird cable and changed tuner b to hotbird and saved and scanned that,been old skool i like scanning and if i like it may add a bouquet,but whatever happened box wont connect to lan so it looks like a reflash needed again,whats stable or buggy:confused:not got into the dbedit yet cheers m8