View Full Version : HDD proplem

04-10-13, 14:00
I have had an internal western digital 1TB HDD installed in my VU+ for over 18 months without any issues. Yesterday I went to play a recording and nothing there. Not showing in mount manager or HDD in setup. I was on latest vix build 747 so I did a complete fresh install of 747 but still the same, then tried build 740 but still no good. Upgraded online to 747 still the same.
I have searched the forum and seen suggestions to install original official VU+ software and that can do the trick but I thought I would ask the forum first. Maybe the HDD is dead? How could I test it on a laptop?
No plugins were installed
Hopefully someone can help.

Thanks in advance...

04-10-13, 18:50
I'd start by opening the box & check if the connecting cable is seated correctly.

abu baniaz
04-10-13, 18:52
If you want to test in laptop, connect it up and go into the bios, it will show up in there.

04-10-13, 19:28
Already done that...everything seemed tight. One strange thing was that after starting from scratch I couldn't get my CCcam working and I disconnected the HDD power supply and it started working? Coincidence maybe ..I don't know...but I've still got the HDD problem.

04-10-13, 19:43
If you want to test in laptop, connect it up and go into the bios, it will show up in there.

I'm afraid i'm not that good with computers. How would I connect Sata & power supply cables?

04-10-13, 20:21
Do you use TSpanel?

04-10-13, 20:34
No I don't..no plug ins at all.

abu baniaz
04-10-13, 21:54
I'm afraid i'm not that good with computers. How would I connect Sata & power supply cables?
My apologies, should have said, you would need a sata to USB caddy. For 3.5 drives, they have a separate power source. Would be a lot easier using a PC. Is it possible to take HDD to a friend's PC if you don't have one?

04-10-13, 21:59
I'll ring a friend tomorrow. What will I need to test on PC? or will I still need Sata to USB caddy?

abu baniaz
04-10-13, 22:39
Modern PCs have a sata connector. There should be a free power connector. If not, disconnect one of the DVDs.

04-10-13, 22:47
Also, have you any other HDDs you can try in the box to see if they mount?

05-10-13, 09:29
I think that would be the easiest option for me...just got to get hold of another sata HDD. Busy this morning so will try and beg steal or borrow one later today.

05-10-13, 14:34
I've had no joy borrowing another Sata HDD so I will take mine to the local computer shop to get it checked out. Will let you know how I get on.

05-10-13, 14:42
If you formatted the HDD in the box (which you shoud have done) it will be in EXT4 format, so don't be surprised if your local computer shop look at you like you've two heads...

05-10-13, 15:01
Okay...so will he be able to help me, I guess not?

05-10-13, 15:04
If they are any good, they should be able to help...

05-10-13, 15:58
Ok.. so a mate has come round with a working sata HDD, installed it and looked like stb was booting up then on the front screen came up with "stang us" or something like that then big rumble on my speakers and blew fuse on stb. Replaced fuse and all up and running minus hdd. This is getting beyond me...I think I will just put my external usb hdd

18-10-13, 23:46
Having exactly same problem. I have a Technomate Tm 2t and out of no where I'm now not able to record and all my recordings have disappeared from my recordings page! Absolutely lost with it now. Just want to format it and restart to factory settings and load everything up again but have done this (without formatting the HDD) and still have the same problem. How do I format my HDD SO I CAN GIVE THAT A GO?

18-10-13, 23:49
Have you instaled any plugins like TSPanel?
What shows up under Menu -> Setup -> ViX -> Mount Manager?

19-10-13, 09:30
I have just purchased a new HDD and installed no problem so I guess the old HDD had died!!!