View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Build in Mediaplayer doesn't work as music player (and bugs)

24-09-13, 17:43

I am crazy thus and thought I could use the build in media player to play music from files, as well as in every DVD player, televisions, PC or, otherwise, somewhere. I'm using VIX3.0.720

I had read in an old thread, that you only must go to a folder and the media player plays all songs in this folder.

So: what he does (not) make: I plug an USB stick, choose with the media player a subdirectory on this usb stick, skip a few songs down, for example, song No. 3.
Then the media player plays Song No. 156 (not no.3!!) and indicates song No. 89 on the TV. :eek: Ok, but crazy i thought .

After 3 minutes he stops at the end of the title and return to play the picture and tone of the topical TV program :mad:.
I have try this with a sorted list, unsorted list.... every time the same error.

Only one song is played, than the music stopped!!!!!

OK, i use the exotic music format mp3, so the media players certainly do not recognize this as music? Stupidly from me!

More funnily it becomes if i try to play a song (in hope that the whole folder is played) and presses the stop key: There is a total crash with restart of enigma..:wave:

So my question:
Is it possible to play a complete folder with music?
What about the crazy title jumps? Is there a music mediaplayer available, if the build in player can't play a folder (I don't want to play the next movie, so the setting of the MOVIE is: return to playlist after movie has finished).


Rob van der Does
24-09-13, 17:50
Did you set 'play music in background' (in the settings of the movielist-menu)? IIRC that's the trick.

24-09-13, 17:55
Couple of points worth noting. ( i'll use the same brash and mildly offensive tone you chose to use )

1. The Vu+ Solo is a base model and by this i mean it's a relatively low powered receiver with low ram / cpu.

2. you bought a satellite receiver not a all singing and dancing media player

3. media player functionally on all satellite receivers is handled by a combination of hardware and hardware based codecs, you can not add software based codecs to improve functionality as you would with a PC for example, this also means that it will never be able to compete with even the cheap purpose made media players on the market.

if you wish to receive a more sensible answer i can oblige but that would require you to make a more sensible post in the first place.

24-09-13, 18:17
Hi pheonix.

Why are you so angry?

I ask some questions and found some bugs... Puh...

Couple of points worth noting. ( i'll use the same brash and mildly offensive tone you chose to use )

2. you bought a satellite receiver not a all singing and dancing media player

3. media player functionally on all satellite receivers is handled by a combination of hardware and hardware based codecs, you can not add software based codecs to improve functionality as you would with a PC for example, this also means that it will never be able to compete with even the cheap purpose made media players on the market.

Ok. i bought a satellite receiver, but a receiver with linux! Does that mean: long long boot time instead of a quick boot time on other receiver?? Most of the receivers on the marked can play music, video and so on.
Not singing and dancing,... only playing the hardware codes!!!
Linux based systems can do more. That's the reason, why i bought a linux receiver

>>...hardware based codecs?

OK. i wrote MP3 is a strong strong strong codec (i make only fun!!!). As strong as MP4? as strong as a normal video codec?
-> MP3 is played by the hardware of the STP-Chip.. There is no software codec necessary.

24-09-13, 18:31
Hi pheonix.

Why are you so angry?

I ask some questions and found some bugs... Puh...

Ok. i bought a satellite receiver, but a receiver with linux! Does that mean: long long boot time instead of a quick boot time on other receiver?? Most of the receivers on the marked can play music, video and so on.
Not singing and dancing,... only playing the hardware codes!!!
Linux based systems can do more. That's the reason, why i bought a linux receiver

>>...hardware based codecs?

OK. i wrote MP3 is a strong strong strong codec (i make only fun!!!). As strong as MP4? as strong as a normal video codec?
-> MP3 is played by the hardware of the STP-Chip.. There is no software codec necessary.

I'm not angry but i find your post aggressive and mildly offensive for some one reporting a potential bug / asking for help.

I am more than willing to offer help but posts like your original post put me off offering help.

24-09-13, 18:53
Did you set 'play music in background' (in the settings of the movielist-menu)? IIRC that's the trick.

Hi. Rob.

Thanks for the tip.

The setting: "play music in background'" was switched on.

I found no other setting for music.
Perhaps the setting: "return to the film-list" after a movie was played is a problem, if it is used for music files too????

24-09-13, 19:04
I'm not angry but i find your post aggressive and mildly offensive for some one reporting a potential bug / asking for help.

I am more than willing to offer help but posts like your original post put me off offering help.

Hi pheonix.

Thank you for your great help.

As you wrote, there is a problem with the ram, the cpu, a software codec.... but there is no problem with this things.

You're making fun of me with a "singing and dancing" gettoblaster , but i only want to play the normal hardware-codes

What should I think? Instead of finding a solution or asking for details, there is only flat denial. Unfortunately, this is not so productive.

I do not want to complain, I tried with a lot of fun bugs to report and seek help. Is this reprehensible?

Please come to the two bugs that I've written. Maybe they can even be fixed in the next version?

Rob van der Does
24-09-13, 19:40
The setting: "play music in background'" was switched on.
And do you play with 'OK' or with the play-button? See if that makes any difference.
Or 'play' on the folder and not on a file?

24-09-13, 20:34
@Puschi What Pheonix Is Trying To Say Is That You Have A Satellite Receiver, Not A General Purpose Computer Like A PC/Laptop... The CPU In The Solo Is A 333Mhz Designed To Be A "High Definition PVR Satellite System-on-Chip"... Not Only That The Solo Is Underclocked At 200Mhz, So Is Not Very Powerful... If You Compare It To The Duo, Which Is A Dual Threaded 400Mhz Version (Which Is Not Underclocked)... So Is Roughly Twice As Powerful (And Can Handle 2 Internal Sat Tuners)... Now You've Got 1.3 Ghz Dual Core In The Duo2 And Solo2...

So Basically The Solo Is A Budget Single Tuner Model... And Therefore Has Limitations... I've Done A Bit Of Hunting And Attached The Merlin MP3 Player Plugin... It Might Work, It Might Not...


Rob van der Does
24-09-13, 22:27
The Solo is perfectly capable of playing MP3's.

The Merlin player is available form the ViX-feeds, as is YAMP. You could try those two and see what suits you best.

25-09-13, 16:51
Hi Rob.

Many thanks for your help.

I've tested some things.

And do you play with 'OK' or with the play-button? See if that makes any difference.
Or 'play' on the folder and not on a file?

Pressing Ok or Play is all the same. No difference.

But i find out, where the bug is: -> If i start the mediaplayer, choose my directory and then press the blue sort button some times.

If the sort order is set to random ( i believe it is random. The sort symbol looks like =x=> ) and i start to play with Ok or Play, the song starts playing and at the end it returns to TV picture and tone.
If i now press the sort button to sort-order Date desc. (symbol 31.) the mediaplayer does what he should: played all files :)

I didn't test every sort order, but yesterday i tried random and order by name and get the error on both.

Perhaps this helps to find the bug.


Rob van der Does
25-09-13, 17:29
And does it make any difference if 'live-TV when playback stopped' is set to 'no'?

28-09-13, 16:16
Hi Rob.

Sorry for my late response (i'm not at home for 2 days)

And does it make any difference if 'live-TV when playback stopped' is set to 'no'?

No. After the song is finished, the mediaplayer stopped and no tv/tone is played (sort order random).

The display of the next song is amazing. Example: I play song-no.5, next song should by song-no.23 and it the song stopped, mediaplayer shows song-nr.8.

But the bug is depending on the sort order.