View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD] Favorits: How to rename Favorits and delete/rename Markes ??

19-09-13, 20:15
With Enigma2 the user is not able to edit completly favorits ? Is that right ?

I find no way to rename Favorit-Lists or delete/rename/move markers ??

Once you make a marker it is fix and you cant change anything...

Anybody there who could complete the favorit-edit funktions (see when you press Menu-Key in favorite) ???

21-09-13, 19:04
No idea, who can fix it ??

21-09-13, 20:35
Probably because we have no idea what exactly you want mate.

You can delete bouquets and channels by pressing menu in bouquet / channel list

21-09-13, 21:16
Probably because we have no idea what exactly you want mate.

You can delete bouquets and channels by pressing menu in bouquet / channel list

???? in first post i wrote EXACTLY what i want.... :-)

1) rename Favorit-Lists
2) delete/rename/move markers

Nothing from this things i want to edit my Favorit-Lists are possible.

Once you made a new favorit-List you can not rename it.

Once you set a new Marker in a Favorit-List you can not delete or rename or move it to another position.

21-09-13, 21:23
Have you tried using something like dreamboxedit edit to achieve this?


22-09-13, 09:35
I want to use my Sat-Receiver to edit my channel-Lists, not my PC :-)

The Enigma2 funktions are incomplete...

it should be possible to edit favorits without help from a PC !!

why youtube on Satreceiver ? > use PC
why weather on Satreceiver ? > use PC

For EDIT the ENIGMA2 Favorits ... > PC ist just a workaround.

Rob van der Does
22-09-13, 10:57
Well, everybody his opinion, but a PC is definitely not a work-around.
The functionality a PC-editor has can never be implemented on any STB. And even if that would be possible: how terrible unhandy would it be to do it that way.

Editing via the STB is only meant for a simple and single correction.
But it looks like you're not the character for an Eniga box; that's a different story.

BTW: Comparing that with items you would want to watch with the whole family, like MyTube, is not very wise. Who would want to watch you fiddling around with names and favourites :D

22-09-13, 11:16
I want to use my Sat-Receiver to edit my channel-Lists, not my PC :-)

The Enigma2 funktions are incomplete...

This is exactly what programs such as dreambox edit are for as it's by far easier and faster to manipulate and edit lists on a PC that it is via a STB and remote control combo.

22-09-13, 11:23
You are right.... IF you use a PC it is easier... :-)

BUT it would be nice, when devs complete the Enigma2-Functions for Favorite-Liste.... :-) some little functions to complete it.... :-)

22-09-13, 11:29
To be perfectly honest i cant see any developer putting too much time into such a function that in all reality is never going to be as good as what is already available, but thats just my own opinion and no i'm not a developer.

22-09-13, 11:39
Maybe... ;-(

But edit functionality for channellist ist a BASIC funktion for every DVB-Receiver.... realy absolut BASIC !

In this point Enigma2 is INCOMPLETE.....

i can ue my PC..... mainstream Users, or older people not have that knowledge....

22-09-13, 11:51
As has already been said you can do the basics via the STB but for more advanced functions you really should use a PC with the appropriate software. for users who dont have access to or cant use such programs there are a lot of premade bouquets or even programs such as the inbuilt ABM which can build and maintain a full sky uk regional bouquet automatically.

22-09-13, 11:51
As others have stated, this would take forever to perform on a stb. If you're really that desperate for the ability, learn to code python and create the functions yourself... Otherwise, take the functionality available. You can move and add channels to favourites, but markers etc are all to be done by pc. Imagine moving hundreds of channels between bouquets on the stb. Would take forever. Even just changing a channel name would take long enough compared to just typing.

Rob van der Does
22-09-13, 11:56
Indeed: I can't imagine a dev to spend any time on an item that only one person will ever use :p

22-09-13, 12:10
ok.... its more important to have a email-cient on STB oder to control my refregerator with my STB ..... :-)

no problem...it was only a idea to complete Enigma2 in BASIC funktions.... :-)

Rob van der Does
22-09-13, 12:16
Naah, there are dozens of (IMHO) useless plugins that have been compiled by third parties. And we only make them available via the feeds; we don't spend any time on them.

22-09-13, 13:43
Exactly, who needs items like auotbouquetmanager, when you can spend hours editing?!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

12-10-13, 20:26
littlesat fro PLI has understand to complete basic Enigma2 funktions !!!


Thank you very much !!!
