View Full Version : Cool TV Guide picons

19-10-10, 18:12
My picons are loaded to USB drive plugged into the rear of my DUO and they worked fine, Since I enabled picture in graphics on the cool TV guide menu my picons do not load ?
Any Ideas Thanks Alan

VIX team image 1.1

20-10-10, 05:52
Do you mean the picons in coolepg guide? Do you still get picons on the infobar?

20-10-10, 06:41
Yes and I do still get the picons displaying on the info bar

20-10-10, 06:47
Ah ok, when using P.I.G in Coolepg the picons no longer show because the area for picons is too small.

20-10-10, 14:47
If you keep the channel list to 5 channels when using PIG you can still get your picons to show in the graphical list.
If you have any more than 5 channels showing then, as Sicilian has said, there is not enough area for the picons to show.
I would prefer if the header and footer on the EPG were half the current size, that way we could get more channels showing.