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View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo] Recording warning prior to shutdown

11-09-13, 19:26
Hello, If I make a recording, watch it and then delete it (delete it from the deleted items folder) When I shutdown, I get a warning message saying "Recording(s) are in progress or coming up in a few seconds. Really shutdown now?" But there are no recordings due or in progress.

Is there a setting I can turn this warning off or is it a quirk of the VIX software?

11-09-13, 19:34
Do you have any debug logs from the times this has occurred ?. if so please upload them here.

11-09-13, 19:44
I'll make a quick recording and take a look after the wife has finished watching Corrie. This is the message.


Rob van der Does
11-09-13, 19:50
Yep, we know the message, but it should only show if a recording has been planned to start within 10 (or was it 15?) minutes.

11-09-13, 19:59
Yep, we know the message, but it should only show if a recording has been planned to start within 10 (or was it 15?) minutes.

yes thats whats supposed to happen but i have seen the same report this week of two other users seeing this message when no recordings were planned, or viewed prior to or any where near the shutdown time.

11-09-13, 20:22
I can't find any log files, so I guess the software just thinks it is doing the right thing by showing that message. But I can confirm, all recordings have finished and I do not have any timers or auto timers set. I don't use timeshift.

If I just watch TV then I don't get the message. If I watch a previous recording it doesn't show. It only appears after I've made a recording (or when it should show if a recording is in progress)

I hope that helps to pin it down.

12-09-13, 10:05
I get this message every time I update my solo2. I have just ignored it and at some stage will reflash to see if it makes a difference.

Rob van der Does
12-09-13, 10:36
I get this message every time I update my solo2. I have just ignored it and at some stage will reflash to see if it makes a difference.
I guess that on updating you get a completely different warning ('jobs in progress' or so, most of the time it will be the softcam-check).

12-09-13, 20:06
Nope, I get the recordings in progress or coming up message before it reboots after the update. Only on the solo2, none of my other boxed.

Rob van der Does
12-09-13, 20:15
Hmmm, any debuglogs available?

12-09-13, 21:40
OK, I did a manual recording, then deleted it. Went to shutdown, got the message and saved the debug log. I hope it contains something useful to you.

Rob van der Does
13-09-13, 05:28
We'll look into that.
Thanks for reporting.

15-09-13, 22:21
I thought I had read in the latest online update that a fix had been made for the recording message issue. However, I've just updated and tried it out and I'm still getting the message after a recording.

Maybe I misread the update description and it was for another fix...

Rob van der Does
16-09-13, 04:53
You must have misread that: so far we have not been able to reproduce it properly and hence it has not been fixed.
But rest assured: the issue is still on our to-do list.

07-05-14, 22:41
Have to bring this up because I'm getting exactly the same issue on the solo. Error about recording in progress comes up at shutdown when I've done a previous recording. There are no timers, but I use timeshift. Any help will be appreciated.

Rob van der Does
08-05-14, 05:48
Then it looks like somebody is watching a stream from your box (a stream is handled by E2 in the same way as a recording).
You can use the telnet command

to see who is connected to your box.

08-05-14, 06:31
But I thought you cannot stream vu+solo from outside the local network since it doesn't do any transcoding. I've tried on my mobile devices and I can only view from inside my network. Anyway, I will put authentication on my openwif and see. Thanks.

Rob van der Does
08-05-14, 06:59
Authentication offers only a very limited security. Especially as it looks like you've been found and targeted already.
Best see who's in your box when this happens again.

abu baniaz
08-05-14, 07:02
Set a password. Telnet the "passwd" command.

Rob van der Does
08-05-14, 07:06
Better not forward any ports to the internet. A password will only provide a very limited security.

08-05-14, 09:02
I have changed the port being used by openwebif. (I never use the default anyway). My question still remain, can the solo stream outside the network since it doesnt do transcoding? Secondly, if I change the root's password, will it affect other services on the box, like software update, etc? I'm quite knowledgeable with port-forwarding/firewall/security, so I'm not so sure (but it might be) that its an outside attack. Worst case scenario, I disable openwebif and not use the service at all, but it might just be a bug with helios.


Rob van der Does
08-05-14, 09:24
It has nothing to do with the Open web-if, but with port forwarding. As long as no ports are being forwarded to the internet, nobody should be able to get in the box.
And sure the box is capable of streaming. And the box itself has no clue if the stream is being asked from WLAN or LAN. Indeed: with 'normal' upload speeds, a stream from WLAN will not be watchable, but that's up to the intruder.

But again: if a thing like this happened to me, the very first thing I would do is to ask the box who's connected. As long as you don't do that, it's all guessing.

08-05-14, 09:52
OK, will check netstat on the device when i get home. Will change the root's password just to be sure. Its on deep standby at the moment so I cannot be certain its leaking. I have probed my network from outside to see if I've got unsecured ports (i port-forward to my media center for bit-torrent and remote access), and my router firewall seems to be doing a good job so far.

Rob van der Does
08-05-14, 09:59
Its on deep standby at the moment so I cannot be certain its leaking.
LOL, in deep standby you can be sure nobody is in .......

And the netstat command only reveals connections that are there at the moment you issue the command; no history is kept.
So it makes sense to use it when the issue (i.e. unexpected 'recording') is showing.

08-05-14, 10:15
LOL, in deep standby you can be sure nobody is in

The reason why i said that is because I know I should not be able to get a response from it since its effectively shutdown. I am at work at the moment and can run a network scan tool for open ports (which I've done, and only the ports I opened are responding). I also said that because couple of times now, I have put it into deep standby, only to wake up in the morning to find it up! Unless there is an entity in my house thats watching TV during the night, (wifey swears she's not sleepwalking), I cannot figure out how it comes out of deep standby by itself. I do not have any sort of timer configured.:confused:

Rob van der Does
08-05-14, 10:27
A (short) power outage might cause that. Or an EPG-import?
If you enable the debuglogs you can see what timer is set when the box goes deep (if any) and iirc also why the box comes up.