View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Swap manager warning

06-09-13, 14:42
Hi guys, I've just updated my solo to the latest build by doing a fresh flash and when I've goone to enable my swap manager, I'm getting this,

Swap place: WARNING:

And no blue option to set up swap

07-09-13, 11:45
I've did some reading on past threads and my problem has only happened after I had to reformt my pen on the laptop and now I've got this warning. It was working fine until I did a fresh flash and I've tried the covert ext4 on the box but its been stuck on 83% for the last two hours....is this normal?

I could use some help with this because without the swap file my box crashes after I watch a VOD and try to watch another one

Thanks guys

07-09-13, 11:49
If you formatted the stick in your laptop it would not be in a Linux format so the convert option would not work as it would need to be in a earlier Linux format to start with, something like EXT2 or EXT3. Initialize the stick from within the image as this will format it directly to EXT4 which should take a few minutes at the most.

07-09-13, 11:53
I've tried that mate, and restarted the box but its still giving me the warning sign?

07-09-13, 12:04
Update: did the initialize and checked mount manager and its says that's its ext4 so everything checks the box EXCEPT the swap manager still giving me no option to set up?

07-09-13, 12:39
If you have a different stick try it. I had an issue some time ago where a stick became unusable on windows and on Linux.

If you try another one and it works then your main stick might not be Ok. If it does not work then maybe part of the box update did not take.


07-09-13, 17:02
I've solved it.......I just did a fresh reflash and enabled the swap manager straight away and it worked spot on!!