View Full Version : ET9000 Dead.. what now?

05-09-13, 10:52

My ET9000 tuner is gone dead, and i'm thinking of buying a new tuner..
Is the VU+ Duo 2 a good choice? Or what shall i spend my money on..


05-09-13, 12:43
Currently the 3 best twin tuners are the Duo2., solo2 and gigablue quad.

unless you want s LCD screen which is pretty useless the other two are better choices and value for money.
the quad and d2 have the benefit of being made in to quad tuners.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4

05-09-13, 12:44
Also whfats wrong with the et9000 as if it'd the security board you may be able to get it repaired by the manufActurer free of charge.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 4

05-09-13, 12:46
The solo2 is in my opinion the best value for money at the moment.

05-09-13, 19:20
Thanks for the help... I went with the duo2.

I was told that the et9000 has to be send to the factor for a re flash :( Don't know if that is true or not..


05-09-13, 19:57
These boxes have a security board with a battery, if it goes it stops them from booting up.

Def worth sending off to the manufacturer