View Full Version : Play a local video file at a certain point

02-09-13, 20:17
Is it possible to play a local video file a certain point in time. Some of my files are large mkv's which don't fast forward very fast. Is it possible to tell the box to start playing the file at say, 45 minutes into the file??

02-09-13, 20:23
yes you can stipulate the time at which to start playing or how far in minutes you want to jump forward or backwards in a recording, although i could not tell you how as it's not a feature i have used in a long time.

02-09-13, 21:58
Thanks, hopefully someone else knows, as I can't find it anywhere :confused:

Rob van der Does
02-09-13, 22:19
First of all make sure your MKV's are encoded with H264; then FF and FB will be fine.
Secondly: the numberbuttons 3,6 & 9 will jump forward; 1,4 & 7 will jump backwards.
The values for those 'minutes jumps' can be set in the system menu.

02-09-13, 23:50
Menu -> Setup -> System -> Recording settings -> Custom skip time for ... buttons.
Not sure why you would want a 45 minute jump though?

I'd do as Rob says & encode the shows you want in a format that does ff/rw properly.

02-09-13, 23:56
you used to be able to hold the FF / RW buttons down and a box would come up where you could input a custom value for the image media player to skip to.
For example at the beginning of a program hold down FF and when the box popped up you type 45 and hit ok to skip to the 45th minute, as i said though it's been a long time since i used that so not sure if it still works.

03-09-13, 00:14
Long press of the < > buttons brings up the seekbar, so a long jump should be possible with that.
Forgot about the entering minutes screen, also haven't used that in a long time...

03-09-13, 00:27
Yeah, long press wind still gives the minute jump screen, just tried on build 729 & works perfectly.

Rob van der Does
03-09-13, 06:14
So: so many option to jump!

BTW: did you ever use the help-button?

03-09-13, 11:44
Nice one, a million ways to do it, and I couldn't find one!! I'll check out the suggestions later..

Reason for wanting the option: I've watch part of an mkv and have to stop before the end. Most of the time, when i go to resume, I'm asked, "Do you want to resume at 45:00 or whatever. No probs there, but the odd time, it doesn't ask to resume. Maybe I've restarted the box or something in the meantime...the fast forward is so slow, it's like 20 minutes to get to 45mins...

There's a help button?? :confused: :)

Rob van der Does
03-09-13, 12:52
There's a help button?? :confused: :)
You need help to find the help-button?