View Full Version : Solo2 Freezing

26-08-13, 17:43

I recently upgraded to a Solo2 from a Duo and have been having problems. My solo2 is connected to an Onkyo AV receiver and then to my TV.

Sometimes the sound disappears but the picture stays, and when I try to change channels, the picture disappears as well, the Solo2 still shows the channel on the front of the box, but needs turned off at the back to restore picture and sound.

Sometimes when going into my recordings, the spinning Vix symbol shows and stays that way for about 30 mins (I left it one time to see if it recovered itself rather than turning it off at the rear again which is what I usually have to do)

I have my network shares set up, but again sometimes when trying to access them, the spinning vix symbol shows and needs turned off, or the system will recover in about 30mins itself.

Sometimes the picture disappears but the sound stays, and the only way to get the picture back is again to switch it off at the rear.

I have tried doing a clean install twice and turned on the debug log, but after these events happen there are no logs to show anything was wrong. I know there was a thread about the picture going and the sound continuing but i am having multiple problems which i never had with my Duo. Sometimes I can Telnet into the box and reboot that way, but most times the session never opens as it cant find the box.

Any help appreciated, is there anything else I could try ? or should I just return the box to the site sponsor.


26-08-13, 20:33
I'd recommend you do a complete fresh flash and setup with no backup restore. I even go as far as re-initializing your HDD due to the issues you have.

Do not install and extra plugins, only your softcam for now.

Then turn on debug logs and post them is the issue occurs again.

26-08-13, 20:58

The first time I did this it was a fresh install, with no backup restore, still doing the same things. The second time, I did a fresh install, but I did a backup restore. I didnt re-initialize the hard drive though. I will do that tomorrow. I have lost sound 3 times in the past hour and had to restart box by the switch on the back each time, but it didnt create any debug logs. I will turn off and turn on debug logs again and see if it will generate any and post them.

03-09-13, 21:12
Ok i have an Update

I did a fresh install, didnt do a backup restore, and re-initialized the hard drive. I am still getting the spinning VIX when trying to enter the Videos or network drives. I am still loosing picture sometimes but the sound stays. Every time I either have telnet into the box and do a reboot,or wait about 20 mins to clear itself. I have attached a few debug logs to check.

Thanks for your help


12-09-13, 20:03
Could anyone check these logs please?

12-09-13, 20:56
Could anyone check these logs please?

sorry for a daft question but what image are you installing.?

12-09-13, 21:10
Think he must be offline, i had the same problem, after some advice about it, can't remember were from, i don't know if he has put the box in deep standby? i had and when i stopped doing that it sorted it, i use vix image, hope that may help?

12-09-13, 21:32
Think he must be offline, i had the same problem, after some advice about it, can't remember were from, i don't know if he has put the box in deep standby? i had and when i stopped doing that it sorted it, i use vix image, hope that may help?

I have a solo 2 running vix image carnt remember build off the too of my head but its always updated to the latest stable build, and I have never had any issues like described???

Also I put my box into deep standby everytime it's not in use...

12-09-13, 21:41
I have a solo 2 running vix image carnt remember build off the too of my head but its always updated to the latest stable build, and I have never had any issues like described???

Also I put my box into deep standby everytime it's not in use...

Could have just been a coincidence on mine, as i was doing everything i could to stop the problem, i think he will take any idea's to sort it as i did.

12-09-13, 21:44
Im using Vix, the box isnt put into deep standby at all. Nearly everytime I go into recordings, the spinning VIX symbol starts, and cant do anything but reboot the box.

12-09-13, 21:45
Look in your logs and post them up, should give you an idea of whats causing it.,

12-09-13, 21:49
It's a strange one like. Can not really offer any help as I have never experienced this issue before and have had a solo 2 from the first day they came out.

Only thing I can suggest, if not already tried of course, is disconnect the box from the amp, and just run it through the tv for a while to rule out problems with the amp.

Then if same problem happens, try switching hdmi leads to rule out a problem with the leads.

If still no joy I would be getting in touch with the manufacturer as it still should be under warranty.

12-09-13, 21:53
Im using Vix, the box isnt put into deep standby at all. Nearly everytime I go into recordings, the spinning VIX symbol starts, and cant do anything but reboot the box.

What temp is the box running at? Could it be overheating when trying to spin the HDD up?

Also what make of HDD are you using and what's the rpm?

12-09-13, 22:10
Look in your logs and post them up, should give you an idea of whats causing it.,

Logs on first page..looks like all sorts going on all to do with hard drive..@OP do you have TSpanel installed.???

12-09-13, 22:21
I posted the logs earlier in the thread, no sure what i was looking for though. Box is usually between 34 and 38, rpm is 1876, thought it may have been the temp as well. The hard drive is a seagate spinpoint M8 1TB. I may try a different one in it, that would make sense if it freezes when trying to spin up the HDD

12-09-13, 22:21
No TSpanel not installed

Rob van der Does
13-09-13, 05:48
Please disconnect the ethernet cable, delete all network-mounts, reboot and see if that makes any difference.

13-09-13, 08:55
Please disconnect the ethernet cable, delete all network-mounts, reboot and see if that makes any difference.

Ok will do
