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View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] Can somebody help me with airplayer please

22-08-13, 14:24
I have airplayer installed using latest vix build (cannot remember build number off the top of my head but it was updated this morning)

I also have a premium key which I have put into the settings

When I try to use airplayer from my iOS device (streaming) It works for around 30 seconds and then the picture freezes and that's it
This is playing a m3u8 stream

Also on my receiver I have never been able to get the audio streaming to work correctly it always sounds like it is in fast forward and sounds like chipmonks with lots of distortion
(Not to interested in this at the mo as I don't use the function)

My main concern is the streaming

Also is there any other alternative to airplayer?

22-08-13, 15:11

Build 723 and v 0.3.9 airplayer here on Duo2

I am able to stream youtube videos fine. The audio was working fine but it I too now have the fast audio thing going on, and also stuttering after about 20 seconds or so of playback. I need to check on my Ultimos and Duo when I get home, but they are pretty much up to date so far as Vix is concerned. I may try rolling back to an earlier build to try and see when this started.

I see you posted on the Airpllayer forum about your video problem. Did you allso post about the audio problem?


22-08-13, 15:20
I haven't posted about the audio problem because to be honest I don't intend to use the feature

I have tried on every build of vix since I got my venton and I think the first build I used was in the 670's

What I noticed it the cach get to around 8mb and stops there and stops and then I get the freeze/crash after 30 seconds or so

The thing with airplayer support is you don't seem to get a reply

22-08-13, 15:32
I don't use the audio feature much but the kids do all the time. They have all been away on holidays with mates since they came back from Uni so that is why I am not clear when that problem started. I am pretty certain is was working after build 670 though - early 700s was my recollection. I shall post over on that forum for that issue and hope i get a reply :)

Those files you are streaming. Are they via Youtube, or something different because via youtube always has worked for me (well, as well as it can anyway - I am on 2mb broadband as 10 milles from nearest exchange).

22-08-13, 15:34
Enable debug logs and post them, I'll bring it to the attention of Venton next week when they're back from their Holidays.

22-08-13, 15:43
Thanks Sicilian
Although I am now not sure if this is a venton issue

I have just tried it on the dm800se I have upstairs and it does the same thing which leads me tho think it must be a aiplayer issue in itself

I'm trying to use airplayer with a live stream from the aljazeera app for the football which is where I am hitting the issue
Other things like YouTube etc are fine it's just the actual live streams which present a problem
TV catchup is another one that has the same issue

22-08-13, 15:45
I don't use the audio feature much but the kids do all the time. They have all been away on holidays with mates since they came back from Uni so that is why I am not clear when that problem started. I am pretty certain is was working after build 670 though - early 700s was my recollection. I shall post over on that forum for that issue and hope i get a reply :)

Those files you are streaming. Are they via Youtube, or something different because via youtube always has worked for me (well, as well as it can anyway - I am on 2mb broadband as 10 milles from nearest exchange).

I'm trying to use it in conjunction with Al Jazeera for the football so they aren't available anywhere because the are live YouTube works fine for me also

It has to be something to do with the caching on a live m3u8 stream because it uses an inbuilt proxy from the plugin itself which is where I think the problem is coming from

If you turn the internal proxy off it throws an error about needing the newest version of gstreamer