View Full Version : Suddenly promted for password on my Vu+ Duo

19-08-13, 16:27
All of a sudden it seems to have been a change in the ftp and/or telnet password. I'm running build 721, and I've always just used the default, as I'm not online on a regular basis with my STB. Now I can't telnet the box, and I can't ftp it... It doesn't reckognise any password.

How could this be..?

19-08-13, 16:30
The only way a password could get there is if some one placed it there, either in person or remotely, there is just no other explanation.

19-08-13, 16:37
I tried to telnet the box yesterday, and it just wouldn't let me in. Today I tried with ftp, and same story again. I'm the only one here, and I've not changed anything since last time I was logged on to the box via ftp, except from upgrading the software.

Strange... If I restore from an older (couple of weeks) old image backup, will that be of any help do you think..?

19-08-13, 16:41
I tried to telnet the box yesterday, and it just wouldn't let me in. Today I tried with ftp, and same story again. I'm the only one here, and I've not changed anything since last time I was logged on to the box via ftp, except from upgrading the software.

Strange... If I restore from an older (couple of weeks) old image backup, will that be of any help do you think..?

if that earlier backup has the original password then yes but i would be asking how it was changed in the first place, personally i would setup from scratch change all passwords including on the router as it's likely your's has been hacked into hence the password change.

19-08-13, 16:46
Will do... I can see the logic, but it feels strange, as there's no gain in hacking into my system...

19-08-13, 16:50
have you any portforwarding set up from your router to the box?

19-08-13, 17:01
By the way; I'm restoring an image directly from my harddrive. The TV-screen reads:
"Reflash in progress. Please wait until your Vu+ Duo reboots. This may take a few minutes"

Can anyone say something about how many minutes..? It has been like this for about 20 minutes...

19-08-13, 17:20
all depends on image updating from, older image = more updates.
plugins installed, if you've picons installed from the feeds & so on.

Rob van der Does
19-08-13, 17:29
Updating picons from the feeds can take up to 30 minutes.

19-08-13, 17:30
Not to much older, build 715, 45 minutes now...

Rob van der Does
19-08-13, 17:33
Hmm, that doesn't sound right.

What you can do is power off/on and update via telnet; that way you can see what is actually happening.

19-08-13, 17:55
Restoring a image from within the image manager usually takes no more than 3 minutes for me, but i dont have a lot of plugins or picons to restore.