View Full Version : Hourglass every 15 mins

17-10-10, 16:37
I've searched and haven't found an answer, so any idea why the hourglass pops up every 15 mins or so and rotates for a couple of mins?

Vu+ Duo with VIX 1.1



17-10-10, 17:12
this is something running on the background
may b accessing ur hard disk or so....

17-10-10, 17:28
I've tried telnetting in and running top to see which processes are busy and I'm none the wiser. I have only added a couple of plugins and don't see any obvious candidates for processes which need to run regularly.

17-10-10, 17:39
I was having issues with rytec and crossepg try turning them off to see if that's the problem

17-10-10, 18:56
I was having issues with rytec and crossepg try turning them off to see if that's the problem

I think you might have hit the nail on the head. Disabled the RyVIX auto update and all is well. Guess I need to update manually.

17-10-10, 19:17
I think that the Autotimer pluggin checking to see if anything has been added/changed.

You can set the time in the Autotimer menue to just check less often.
I think the default is every 15minutes.

18-10-10, 22:22
I'm having the same problem recently. I see the timer about once an hour for about ten minuntes. While this is happening i cant change channels etc.

Checking running processes and the like didnt make me any the wiser. Whatever it was seemed to be running under the Enigma2 process, so I couldn't find the culprit.

I installed OpenPli to see if that helped, but ended up with the same problem. (ps, it doesnt have the Autotimer plugin)

I'll post up if I can find the cause of the problem.

18-10-10, 22:32
I'd suggest try disabling autotimer and Crossepg, then reboot and monitor.

19-10-10, 01:47
Hi Sicilian,
Thanks for the input.

I'm using neither Autotimer nor Crossepg at the minute, so cant even take those into account. The problem arose while I was using VIX, so I thought that the logical thing to do was to try another image. On installing a fresh copy of PLi I had a similar problem.

I have a hunch that it is an EPG problem as suggested. The only way that the problem would persist between images is via the epg.dat file stored on the hard disk. This is the only file that existed on both images, apart from recordings. I'm going to delete all epg data on the harddisk then reboot. I'll post up the outcome when I get a chance.

19-10-10, 05:39
Dont suppose any of you are using picons on your HDD?

19-10-10, 07:56
Sic, I am using picons But NOT on HDD (I think) I have picons in sdb1 ? is this correct if im using a USB flash drive ? as i also have the spinning egg timer ! also I do have a USB folder which has a picon folder in it but its empty ? should this be deleted.

! more question How can i delete CrossEpg.

19-10-10, 10:23
1. no it's ok picons on the usb.
2. ftp into the box go to /media and select your usb and your hdd and delete both references to crossepg.
3. reboot box.

regards: canthackit

19-10-10, 17:24
that happens to me and i have a feeling its to do with the timeshift access to the hdd

19-10-10, 22:46
Dont suppose any of you are using picons on your HDD?

Yep! I just got picons setup ok yesterday from USB... now I am getting the timer...
I have just changed to HDD picons to see if it fixes the problem..

20-10-10, 05:42
Yep! I just got picons setup ok yesterday from USB... now I am getting the timer...
I have just changed to HDD picons to see if it fixes the problem..

No I meant DON'T have picons on HDD, this will make your HDD spin up every-time your infobar is accessed.

20-10-10, 07:17
Ok scrap that plan then! What about putting the icons on the flash?

20-10-10, 07:22
Ok scrap that plan then! What about putting the icons on the flash?

They should be fine on USB stick.

20-10-10, 07:58
1. no it's ok picons on the usb.
2. ftp into the box go to /media and select your usb and your hdd and delete both references to crossepg.
3. reboot box.

regards: canthackit

Ok done all that But im still getting the spinner ????

20-10-10, 07:58
i have this issue whenever i activate dyndns. once i remove dyndns the problem disappears

20-10-10, 08:01
i have this issue whenever i activate dyndns. once i remove dyndns the problem disappears

Im not running it here !

20-10-10, 08:50
@ Paul, have you tried disabling all options in Crossepg? I'm assuming you've already tried disabling autotimer.

Maybe try a re-flash.

20-10-10, 09:20
@ Paul, have you tried disabling all options in Crossepg? I'm assuming you've already tried disabling autotimer.

Maybe try a re-flash.

No haven't disabled autotimer as i use it all the time (and the missus would kill me lol) Iwill double check Crossepg now, I re'flashed last week as well ! I will monitor it now and report back.

20-10-10, 10:38
OK update, I have disabled Crossepg (everything to NO) I have also removed all links via FTP to Crossepg from USB and HDD I am still getting the spinner around every 20 minutes ? I'm beginning to wonder if this is related to a Check script linked to CCcam ! please feel free to comment if you have any other ideas.

20-10-10, 10:41
I've never used Autotimer myself, is there somekind of checking for timers option if your press Menu in Autotimers?

20-10-10, 10:50
I've never used Autotimer myself, is there somekind of checking for timers option if your press Menu in Autotimers?

Not sure that is the problem @ the moment im trying some diffrent CCcam settings (ie not running it with autocam enabled) just with 214 set, ill report back in 30 minutes.

20-10-10, 11:07
Not sure that is the problem @ the moment im trying some diffrent CCcam settings (ie not running it with autocam enabled) just with 214 set, ill report back in 30 minutes.

Ok that did not work ?? Im a bit stumped now ! any other suggestions please.

20-10-10, 11:11
Ok that did not work ?? Im a bit stumped now ! any other suggestions please.

I know you dont want to do this, but I'd try disabling autotimers. I think theres a 15min check think to update timers from epg. Pretty sure theres a way to change this, think Pooface or Andy know how. I've not played with it.

20-10-10, 11:14
I know you dont want to do this, but I'd try disabling autotimers. I think theres a 15min check think to update timers from epg. Pretty sure theres a way to change this, think Pooface or Andy know how. I've not played with it.

Thanks Sic ill try this if they can tell us how to do it and if it is that then ill have to re'enable it afterwords and just live with it.

Thanks Sic.

20-10-10, 12:47
Here is what I've noticed/done so far.

Bare in mind that I swithced to Pli while I was having this problem. Then had the same problem in Pli. Pli does not have the Autotimer feature, at least not by default.

On monday night, I disabled all the EPG related stuff I could find and deleted the epg.dat file on the harddrive and after a reboot still had the same problem.

I then reflashed with a fresh copy of Pli. I have not enabled any EPG downloads/imports etc and kept everything to a minimum.

Soon after installing the fresh image, I did see the spinner come up once. This was after installing and enabling DynDNS. I had also installed (but didnt enable) a skin at that time. I cant recall the name, but it comes as a bundle of 4 skins in one package.

When I seen the spinner, I deleted the skin and left DynDNS enabled. I have not seen a spinner since, though this may only be coincedence.

I only watched TV a few times here and there last night so cant say for sure that the spinner did not come on screen, but I'm sure I would have noticed because it locks the whole box up for about 10 minutes at a time.

This evening I will begin to enable the EPG settings and see what happens.

20-10-10, 21:18
I think that the Autotimer pluggin checking to see if anything has been added/changed.

You can set the time in the Autotimer menue to just check less often.
I think the default is every 15minutes.

I already suggested that in Pot #6
I thought no Auto timers was running?

Andy has already confimed in a post asked before that the spinner is caused whilst the Autotime checks every 15 minutes or so.
You can change this by going into the Autotimer menu and setting how often you need to check.

I Think Andy has his set up for once a day, but I'm sure he can confirm this.

Go Into Auto Timer (long Press on Green for me)
Press Menu

Press 4 for Setup
Change the POLL Interval to something else 720mins (every 12hrs)
Then save your settings.

Jobs Done!

21-10-10, 01:43
i think the dyndns update client did the hourglass thing. i changed update interval to 60 min from 10 (default) and this phenomenon disappeared.

21-10-10, 08:17
i think the dyndns update client did the hourglass thing. i changed update interval to 60 min from 10 (default) and this phenomenon disappeared.

I don't use dyndns so it cant be that for me ! im gonna set the autotime interval for longer thats got to sort it.

21-10-10, 08:21
Nice 1 Dr i didn't know there was that option (or how to get too it) thanks.

21-10-10, 13:41
The problem about setting the autotimer to once a day is that if you add an autotimer for later that day (before the next scan) it wont record. You have to go to autotimer menu and save. Is it possible to set the blue autotimer button to run the scan when its pressed for that one turn.

Also is it possible to add the autotimer to the EPG search screen, only the add timer is there.

22-10-10, 00:34
It seems that people are experiencing the same symptoms for different reasons. I wonder if something else within the current base image is causing wider problems.

I had inadvertently left DynDNS disabled and haven't seen the spinner in two evenings worth of viewing. Within an hour of enabling DynDNS the spinner appeared and as usual I could not do anything but watch the channel that I was currently on. I disabled the DynDNS client again a few hours ago and haven't seen the spinner since.

I've always found the DynDNS client to be a little flakey anyway. Sometimes it refuses to update for me even though the settings are 100% right. Inadyn seems to work better for me.

22-10-10, 09:17
Mine is fine now all i done was set the Autotimer interval to 120 minutes now it only checks every 2 hours , thats fine for me thanks to Df for pointing out the way to do this.

22-10-10, 16:01
removed due to blond moment