View Full Version : HDD Format error with VIX Need help

16-10-10, 17:59
Hey guys i am having froblems formatting my internally fitted HDD. its fitted and im on VIX 1.1 i got to menu settings vix hardware manager and it recognises just fine when i press yellow to format it goes trough the process and then sayd HDD now formatted in ext3 press ok to continue then after that it does some more processing then it says a message cannot format HDD use main menu to format. it shows up then as linux ext3 in the vix hardware manager setting but as fat32 in browser and not as /media/hdd but as the fat32 drive name and all my old files that where on it have stayed nothing formatted what am i dong wrong i dont understand

16-10-10, 18:03
Intitialize it as follows: -

Menu > Setup > Harddrive > Intialize.

16-10-10, 20:24
thanks sicilan for the heads up but i tried that to and still no luck it just does not do anything the way you suggested above

16-10-10, 22:02
finaly i got it i will post what was wrong so others wont have the same prob whwn i tried to initialise the disk using vix it failed and mounted it under /media/hdd as a fat32 drive so the main menu would not initialise it as it cant initialise 2 drives in 1 location so i changed the mount under vix to in my case /sda and then tried to initialise it using main menu and it did it in one hit format and mount in /hdd working perfect now