View Full Version : signal drop ?

16-10-10, 15:54
i am running vix 1.1 image with low signal,i have had someone round to check signal quality on lnb dish motor and reciever end and all is fine, all connections good, for some reason signal quality drops from time to time, could this be a tuner issue or lnb, i cant figure it out, the lnb seems fine on horizontal and vertical on a sat metre, but when connected to v+duo the signal and quality seems to drop considerably, i am thinking of setting the other tuner up to test, if this is fine does this mean the first tuner could be faulty ?

17-10-10, 07:53
can no one help me out with this one ?

17-10-10, 08:24
Some questions:
1. Does this drop occur on FTA channels, encrypted or both
2. How old is your LNB/Make
3. How old is your motor/Make and model
4. What sort of time scale is involved before you get the drop

17-10-10, 08:28
Some questions:
1. Does this drop occur on FTA channels, encrypted or both
2. How old is your LNB
3. How old is your motor
4. What sort of time scale is involved before you get the drop

it happens on all channels on certain sats, encrypted and fta,
lnb is about 2 years old, darkgold twin lnb, but lnb been tested with proper sat metre
motor about 3 years old, dark motor,
as soon as i go to the sat,

do you think i should replace lnb and dish, ?

i am using a 85cm dish and twin dark gold lnb

and if you say yes, what dish and lnb, and where from to buy cheap and good

17-10-10, 08:38
Whats your location and which sats do you have problems with ?
Can you move the dish to a problem sat then take the cable direct to the lnb eliminating the motor from the equation ? the reason I say this is that I had a similar problem and after replacing the motor everything was perfect, my dish is 90cm and in SW England (Wilts) and I had no 16E, breakups on 1W but signal level was fine at the dish

17-10-10, 08:51
i am in northwest, manchester, and the sats is 28.2e it says 70 signal, and 30w it is 65-75 percent, i am struggling to manually scan hd channels that i had before,

17-10-10, 08:54
Check alignment first. Also is your long and latt correct?

Tune to 28.2 and monitor signal levels for a few days.

17-10-10, 09:06
Beat me to it Boss lol
However here is a technical point to note: Sat meters and most receivers when measuring signals measure a combined amount of signal and noise and report that as a whole so a sat meter measuring 90% could actually be made up of 70% signal and 20% noise, some receivers and meters will take a measurement after the tuner has sorted what is signal and what is noise and report just signal level and as such will read lower than the meter or another receiver.

17-10-10, 09:42
i have now just done another transponder scan on that channel sportvhd on 30w on tuner b now it has picked it up,now put it back to tuner a and it wasnt there, now i done another manual scan and it found it after the image had crashed, now i think for def it is the image which is no good, it must have a bug in this image, because my signal rate has gone to snr 75 and 84 agc which is better than 54 snr which it was before, so gonna try and reflash with a different image, which image shows the most accurate sat signal reading, does anyone know ?