View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Project Valerie

10-08-13, 18:28

I found the Project Valerie plugin a while ago and have been using it ever since non stop. I loved it, until I updated ViX and now it crashes all the time. I know most of the features of Project Valerie are built into ViX, but Project Valerie just looks amazing and is pretty smooth too.

Seeing as though Valerie isnt compatible with ViX, isn't there a chance of building something similar into the image?

I'd even be happy to pay for this.

Many thanks

Rob van der Does
10-08-13, 21:23
Did you try the plugin MovieBrowser (available via the feeds)?

10-08-13, 22:15
Hello, thanks for the reply. I have tried it and will probably use this as an alternative, but I find it's not quite as slick. I think because MovieBrowser uses the dvd cover image rather than simply the name of the movie, it seems to be slower and a little harder to navigate. To me, and many others it seems, Project Valerie is pretty much the ultimate movie plugin. Just a shame of compatibility problems.

Many thanks

10-08-13, 22:32
I'm using project Valerie a couple of years now, and am using on latest VIX with no crashes, with a little tweaking of the options and playback compatibility options it really is an excellent plug-in.
What circumstances are causing your crashes?
Is it on file playback end? Or are they just random crashes?
What Version of PV are you running?

10-08-13, 22:45
Like I said, I had no problems until I updated to a newer version of ViX. Im completely up to date now, using PV rev1275 (although the plugin displays 1270). It seems when I do a sync it gets stuck and doesn't finish syncing, but doesn't crash. When I try and go to "Movies" or "TV Shows", etc, after a few seconds, the plugin crashes and restarts e2. This happens every time without fail.

I've been messing around all day and haven't got anywhere yet, including several flashes. The only thing I can think of now, is all the backdrops, etc were saved on the hard drive, so weren't deleted when I flashed. I wonder if there's settings or soemthing saved with them that might be messing things up. I might try another flash and reformat the hard drive as a last attempt.

Thanks for your help

10-08-13, 22:51
I would recommend using Rev 1269, I'm using that at the mo and can vouch for its stability.
With regards to running sync, I find that sometimes its best to run it via the WebIF.

Try this to sort out your crash issue.

For those of us running VIX, OpenPLI or any OE3.0+ images who also use Project Valerie(Or at least did until the crashes got too much!!!)
There is a fix/workaround that eliminates the crash at file playback end
Its just a matter of changing a menu setting in the image itself rather than in PVMC.
These settings can be modified in Openpli 3.0 (setup->system ->recording and filelist)
And then change the option "what to do at end of videofile playback" to "ask user" instead of the default setting "return to filelist"
This way Enigma does not crash at the end of playback.
Also you can add .mkv .mp4 to the file list via the webif.
i.e goto your boxes IP and whichever port number you assigned project Valerie and then click options>sync settings and you can add other filetypes to the file list.
You can also set up your directories for movies and TV series on this screen.

Just to add, don't reformat your harddrive you'll lose everything you have rcorded!
PV does save its Database to the HD, but that won't be the cause of a crash issue.

10-08-13, 23:15
Just to double check, which version of PV should I be using? I'm on a V2 VU+ Duo. Is mips32el_oe20.ipk the correct plugin to use?

10-08-13, 23:20
Just to double check, which version of PV should I be using? I'm on a V2 VU+ Duo. Is mips32el_oe20.ipk the correct plugin to use?

Yep the oe20 is the correct version. But as I said above, I'd recommend rev1269_mipsel32el_oe20.ipk I am using this version currently(have been since last Novemember) and I have no issues with it.

10-08-13, 23:24
When I try and go to "Movies" or "TV Shows", etc, after a few seconds, the plugin crashes and restarts e2. This happens every time without fail.

Upload one of the crash logs, might help someone spot the issue.
By default, they are stored in /home/root/logs/

10-08-13, 23:28
Upload one of the crash logs, might help someone spot the issue.
By default, they are stored in /home/root/logs/

+1 also if you enable debug logging in project Valerie(Project Valerie>Settings>Valerie Debug mode> set to high.
It will give an output log of PV's actions and will show where the problem is.

11-08-13, 00:01
Well, after messing around literally all day, I seem to have it working (fingers crossed). I don't know exactly what did it. I reflashed, reformatted the hdd (wasn't bothered about losing recordings), took up banie01's suggestions and installed rev1269 and made the changes to the recording and filelist settings. Worked straight away. Then manually updated to 1275 and still appears to be working.

I'm in the process of syncing, but I've got quite a lot of stuff to sync so might take a while.

I reflashed, etc before I saw the posts about debug log, but I'll remember that in future.

Thanks a lot for all your help. I'm happy again now, and the Mrs will be, which makes life easier for me.


11-08-13, 18:52
Did you try the plugin MovieBrowser (available via the feeds)? I was interested in trying this, but couldnt find it in the feeds.

Rob van der Does
11-08-13, 19:08
Well, it is available.

Be aware: if installed already (see red --> remove) it won't show as installable.

Rob van der Does
14-10-13, 14:26
I've just set up this MovieBrwoser, and I must say: it seems to work rather well. A good alternative for Valerie!

08-11-13, 13:07
I had project valerie working on vix but since i upgraded it didnt work...kept crashing...I deleted it manually and re*installed via install local extension menu but it comes up with this message
*opkg_conf_load: could not lock /var/lib/opkg/lock: resource tempoarily unavailable
using vix 778 and project valerie rev1269 mips32el, although i have tried the later pv's too..gigablue quad

can anyone throw any light on this

10-11-13, 16:23
I had project valerie working on vix but since i upgraded it didnt work...kept crashing...I deleted it manually and re*installed via install local extension menu but it comes up with this message
*opkg_conf_load: could not lock /var/lib/opkg/lock: resource tempoarily unavailable
using vix 778 and project valerie rev1269 mips32el, although i have tried the later pv's too..gigablue quad

can anyone throw any light on this

I too am having serious issues with PV at the moment.
It will not launch at all for me, but I am fairly certain this isn't a VIX issue as i have tried across multiple images with similar results.
It did work normally for a while on OpenPLi but then crashed again with the result that it would no longer launch at all.
What I find really strange is that even on my backed up images with PVMC installed...
That were previously working great, with no issues yet when I reinstall that image its the same thing, valerie will not launch and crashes the box!
Cannot open the Valerie Webif so apart from the enigma crash log I am unable to even get a Valerie debug log.
Very frustrating!

Whats even worse is that the PVMC team are not currently responding to threads on their google code page either.