View Full Version : VIX Image picons

14-10-10, 01:48
I have just changed images from DreamEliteBH 133F to VIX 1.1, all seems good to go but I can't seem to find out how to install picons with this image, obviously its just my stupidity so could someone point me in the right direction.


14-10-10, 02:15
create a folder on ur usb or hdd name it picon now copy all picons into this folder directly with no subfolders.
plugin ur usb into the rear of the duo
goto menu>setup>VIX>skin settings and choose the location (recommended to be on a usb)
restart GUI

u should be able to see ur picons now :D

PS: if needed picons can be downloaded from here (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?35-Picons)

14-10-10, 02:34
Diamond geezer... thanks for your help, I am sorted now

14-10-10, 18:20
hey guys can any one tell me as im a noob what are picons used for?

14-10-10, 18:36
On the OSD, there is small box on the RHS as you look at it, it displays a PICON which is normall an image of the channle logo

14-10-10, 18:47
oh rite i see thanks and just a last note when i plug in my usb the vu sees it ok and asks to format it do i format it to linx patition then will it be seen in windows so i can add the folder picon?

14-10-10, 20:45
oh rite i see thanks and just a last note when i plug in my usb the vu sees it ok and asks to format it do i format it to linx patition then will it be seen in windows so i can add the folder picon?

just plug in the stick in ur windows pc, format it using FAT32 and u r good to go.

14-10-10, 21:01
thanks grt one more thing i have a 16gb drive that has a 4gb limit so i formated it in the vu to ext3 and ftped to it under /media/sda/picon when transfered it does not show my picons but when i transfer them to /media/usb/picon then they show the only thing that confuses me is /sda is my usb ext3 drive and /usb is my internal flash. what am i doing wrong?

15-10-10, 05:42
thanks grt one more thing i have a 16gb drive that has a 4gb limit so i formated it in the vu to ext3 and ftped to it under /media/sda/picon when transfered it does not show my picons but when i transfer them to /media/usb/picon then they show the only thing that confuses me is /sda is my usb ext3 drive and /usb is my internal flash. what am i doing wrong?

What image are you using? If using VIX you need to set your mount point in device manager.

15-10-10, 13:40
I can't get them to show. I have tried placing them in usb/picon, hdd/picon and /usr/share/enigma2/picon but no luck :-(

15-10-10, 13:44
What picons are you using? Are they names by channel reference number?

15-10-10, 13:46
The ones mentioned in this thread: SGTFllipFlop SLY UK picons 12.10.10.rar (5.29 MB, 14 views)

15-10-10, 13:55
r u sure the images are put directly in the picon folder and not in subfolders, did u restart after trasferring the picons.

15-10-10, 14:13
Yeah just the picon folder at root and then the contents.GUI restart, and... nothing

15-10-10, 14:28
is this only on one sat or on all sats?

15-10-10, 14:39
I have just installed the VIX 1.1 image again this morning after playing around with it for a couple of days. I formatted the USB stick using the image format tool, I mounted the USB stick and loaded two different sets of picons (one at a time) into a folder in the root of the USB stick called picon. I even added a folder in the HDD to see if that would work but I still cannot get the picons to show in the info bar.

I have tried just about everything but can't seen to get past this hurdle. Just for info they are all working in the DreamElite image as I have just installed my back up of this and all is well.

I am about to install a new clean image of VIX 1.1 now to try again, any pointers are welcome.

15-10-10, 14:51
I have also been trying now for two days, having reinstalled newest VIX image and cannot get the picons to work. I have tried USB - Hard drive nothing.

None show up on any sats.

Any ideas guy's

Thats John

15-10-10, 15:09
If you are using the vix image use setup/vix/skin settings/choose picon location USB/HDD restart enigma.

Try using different usb sticks some dont like the VU+

15-10-10, 15:11
If you are using the vix image use setup/vix/skin settings/choose picon location USB restart enigma

Yes, I have tried all methods....

If I use another image it works first time, thing is I really like the VIX image. If needs be I can live without it, but it would be nice.

Thanks for reply


15-10-10, 15:16
can u try a different set of picons m8, it is working here as with others too.

just to confirm, the usb is plugged on rear, right?

15-10-10, 15:19
is this only on one sat or on all sats?

The sly uk ones

15-10-10, 15:21
The sly uk ones

Try the ones from this thread mate


15-10-10, 15:46
Just tried those with no joy... I know my USB stick is mounted OK because I have just made a small swap file on it, I have a folder on the same USB stick called picon and installed three different picon sets into it (one at a time) without results. I must be doing something fundamentally wrong if others can use picons with the VIX 1.1 but I just don't know what it is.

I have not loaded any bouquets or epg do I need these to make the picons work?

15-10-10, 15:49
u don't need bouquets or epg but u need channels.

try to manually scan one sat and see if the picons will work on it and don't forget to correctly set the picon location on the VIX menu

15-10-10, 15:57
can u try a different set of picons m8, it is working here as with others too.

just to confirm, the usb is plugged on rear, right?

Yes 8Gb USb drive formated to Fat32, I have tried all formats and I can see the picons on a PC so I know they are there. What set of picons are you using ??

Thanks John

15-10-10, 15:58
Try the ones from this thread mate


BassetHound, Thanks will try them now and get back here


15-10-10, 16:01
Grtmoby, yep tried rescanning 13,19 and 28 and makes no differance

thanks John

15-10-10, 16:06
Yep, I only have 28.2 as a test sat list all the channels are working fine... just no picons, I really cant understand why, again for clarity

1. usb stick with a folder called picon in the root and stick in the rear of the STB
2. menu>setup>VIX>skin settings - Choose Picon Location - USB
3. menu>setup>VIX>device manager - mount points - USB: Cruiser Blade Size: 8.000 GB /dev/ - media/usb

I even set up a picon folder on the HDD (for test purposes) and pointed the location to the hard drive but still nothing, I must be doing something fundementally wrong but I just don't know what it is.

15-10-10, 16:09
Tried these too: 28.2 HD Kanalreferenz 01.10.2010.rar (3.12 MB, 80 views)
No joy. Tried on usb and hdd. Also setup the usb using the mount manager... still didn't work
The VU+ can see the files via the mountpoints whether on the usb or hdd, they just dont get displayed in the GUI

PS. VIX 1.1

15-10-10, 16:11
Tried these too: 28.2 HD Kanalreferenz 01.10.2010.rar (3.12 MB, 80 views)
No joy. Tried on usb and hdd. Also setup the usb using the mount manager... still didn't work
The VU+ can see the files via the mountpoints whether on the usb or hdd, they just dont get displayed in the GUI

PS. VIX 1.1

I have just re-installed image and scanned sat on 28. Then I go to VIX - Skin settings and set to USB - it tells me to put picons in: /mnt/sdb1/picon

I have done this rebooted box and ................ nothing

15-10-10, 16:18
Have you tried a different sat settings list i use catseye Updated Enigma2 Settings file 75 East-58 West 04.10.2010


15-10-10, 16:20
Have you tried a different sat settings list i use catseye Updated Enigma2 Settings file 75 East-58 West 04.10.2010


Nop....... but I'm downing loading it now - thanks fingers crossed


15-10-10, 16:23
Running out of ideas now mate i can only think that you try a different USB stick if you have one

Check list here for comparability


15-10-10, 16:27
This is just a guess but I think you might have to specify what usb port you are mounting picons, ie 1, 2 or 3.

15-10-10, 16:28
Thanks for your help BH much appreciated, I have used two USB sticks that work OK in different images so I'm not sure that's the problem, it seems strange that some people can get them to work and some cannot, there must be a common factor somewhere it's just finding it.

15-10-10, 16:31
Have you tried a different sat settings list i use catseye Updated Enigma2 Settings file 75 East-58 West 04.10.2010


Download the file above, may I ask were this goes as it's not an install file ?? thanks

15-10-10, 16:37
No you will need dreamset to send the files to your box or you can download catseye settings via the plugins under "bouquets"

15-10-10, 16:38
delete all pictures in ur picon folder
unrar (unzip) the downloaded file
move all the files from the step above into ur picon folder
plug usb in rear of box
from VIX set picon to usb
restart the box and try to switch channels and check if u now can see the picons

what do u mean by "not an install file" :confused:

15-10-10, 16:48
delete all pictures in ur picon folder
unrar (unzip) the downloaded file
move all the files from the step above into ur picon folder
plug usb in rear of box
from VIX set picon to usb
restart the box and try to switch channels and check if u now can see the picons

It just doesn't work... my USB pen drive is deffo ok as it is the one I used to upgrade to 1.1

15-10-10, 16:48
No you will need dreamset to send the files to your box or you can download catseye settings via the plugins under "bouquets"

Well wonders of wonders ------ installed catseye settings via plugins rebooted and it's working...........

Can anyone explain why so I and other learn.

Thanks all, BassetHound thank you....

15-10-10, 16:56
Just done that and yes they all work now... can't fully understand why you can't install them manually but still happy, this was driving me crazy :confused:

15-10-10, 16:59
Just a big thank you to everyone who in the past minutes helped to fix a minor problem, but one that just polishes off the VU+ Duo.....

Kindest regards to all


15-10-10, 17:01
i would say it was the channels references not matching with the picons

only thing i can think of :confused:

but good it is working now m8, enjoy it :D

15-10-10, 17:21
i would say it was the channels references not matching with the picons

only thing i can think of :confused:

but good it is working now m8, enjoy it :D

Yep... totally confused, I still have the same picons in my usb folder they just match up with the channels now.... but I would have thought that by me initially just scanning for available channels via service searching (Both manual and automatic) there would not have been a problem, I wonder what the difference is between catseye settings and the original downloaded settings, maybe I will still to some testing.

Anyway thanks to each and everyone of you guys for sticking with this problem and helping us to get a result... well done and thanks to all and sundry :wave:

15-10-10, 18:10
Yeah the catseye bouquets work with picons! However they do screw up your own TV favorite bouquets too of course...

15-10-10, 18:27
Yea, that what I am working on now

15-10-10, 18:30
I did try using my bouquets with the catseye satellites.xml file but no joy.. I hope you do figure it out! ;-)

... thank goodness I backed up my box with dreamset and VUCC 0.2

15-10-10, 19:33
Glad that every one is sorted now:tea::sweating:

16-10-10, 18:05
hey sicilian in on vix 1.1 and with respect to mounting the usn drive shows but does not mount possibly thats the error but how would i get it to mount is just wont mount

16-10-10, 21:33
I had another rethink about this problem because I did not like the idea of the catseye sat list screwing up my bouquets so I have found a work around to my problem.

I just use the 28.2e sat, so I opened up /etc/tuxbox/satellites.xml and changed the line:
<sat flags="1" name="Astra/Eurobird (28.2E)" position="284"> to
<sat flags="1" name="Astra/Eurobird (28.2E)" position="282"> saved the file and then restarted the box.

Once the box has rebooted it wont be able to see any channels, I had to go back into the satellite settings and rescan the satellite, once this is done you will see two satellites in the list, 28.2e & 28.4e, I just deleted the 28.4e and then I had the picons in the info bar... well it worked for me anyway.

I re installed the image again as a test and I did exactly the steps above again as proof, I got the same results, this worked for me I don't know if it would work for anyone else.

17-10-10, 13:02
To follow on...

I have just reinstalled the image again then downloaded another satellites.xml file from


I then changed this new download with the old satellites.xml file in the image and found that this seemed to work perfectly with the picons for 28.2e (again I must iterate that it worked for me... it may not work for other people).

So this seems to me to point to a problem with the satellites.xml inside the image... I am still very green when it comes to understanding how these things work so someone please correct me if I am way off base here.

17-10-10, 18:26
To follow on...

I have just reinstalled the image again then downloaded another satellites.xml file from


I then changed this new download with the old satellites.xml file in the image and found that this seemed to work perfectly with the picons for 28.2e (again I must iterate that it worked for me... it may not work for other people).

So this seems to me to point to a problem with the satellites.xml inside the image... I am still very green when it comes to understanding how these things work so someone please correct me if I am way off base here.

... Works great! I also made a new satellites.xml just for 28.2 and rescanned. I then had to make a new bouquet with just the 28.2 channels in, and not the 28.4 channels.

Where did the 28.4 degree setting come from? It is obviously wrong as we all know it is meant to be 28.2 for Astra.
I now have my picons and my 256MB swapfile on a USB pen drive (formatted as Linux).
Got there in the end - thanks succuba

SICILIAN: Does someting need changing in the VIX image to set 28.2 and not 28.4?

18-10-10, 05:35
You must have been using a satellites.xml with 28.4 set for UK freesat. Most settings/bouqets packs have combined freesat & sky uk to 28.2 as it will still tune ok.

18-10-10, 08:59
You must have been using a satellites.xml with 28.4 set for UK freesat. Most settings/bouqets packs have combined freesat & sky uk to 28.2 as it will still tune ok.

The satellites.xml that we were using was the one that came with the image, I think what underzone was saying was that maybe an updated satellites.xml file should be used in the next version of VIX

18-10-10, 09:08
The satellites.xml that we were using was the one that came with the image, I think what underzone was saying was that maybe an updated satellites.xml file should be used in the next version of VIX

Technically that is the correct satellites.xml file, most users would upload their own set of Enigma2 settings/bouquets.

18-10-10, 10:27
Technically that is the correct satellites.xml file, most users would upload their own set of Enigma2 settings/bouquets.

That explains it then, thanks for the info

18-10-10, 12:10
Can also change picon name, but its a little more work.

The picon name have to match the Service Referense.
If i got a picon, named: 1_0_1_DBB_23_46_E080000_0_0_0.png

Then i go to Meny>Information>Service> If the Service Referanse is different from picon name, then you have to change picon name so they match.
So if Service Referanse is: 1:0:1: DBB:23:46:E070000:0:0:0

Then change the picon name from:

18-10-10, 17:25
Hi all. I am a little fuzzy as to why the picons need to reside on a USB/flash stick in order for the HDD to not spin up in order to read them if it has spun down--wouldn't the timeshift settings necessitate the harddrive being active all the time (to timeshift-record the current program?); causing this problem to only become an issue if one selectively use the timeshift feature?

21-10-10, 18:00
Can also change picon name, but its a little more work.

The picon name have to match the Service Referense.
If i got a picon, named: 1_0_1_DBB_23_46_E080000_0_0_0.png

Then i go to Meny>Information>Service> If the Service Referanse is different from picon name, then you have to change picon name so they match.
So if Service Referanse is: 1:0:1: DBB:23:46:E070000:0:0:0

Then change the picon name from:

If your BBC 1 picon has disappeared after the recent frequency change, here is how you fix it. Find the picon you want to display for BBC 1 (windows explorer thumbnail view is handy for this) and rename it to:


Now the correct picon ("BBC1 North West" in my case) will show.

25-10-10, 08:14
how then do i add lichters picons for 19.2 and 13.0 never had any problems loading 28.2 ( well i did help to modify one of the packages :eek:)

but as i say i've just d/l the above picons and restarted the GUI and nothing well apart from 28.2 of course.

as an afterthought do i d/l them manually select all and drag them into the picon folder, reboot :rolleyes:


my appologies i now realise that i was refering to the Gigant image and not the VIX 1.1 image, seeing as it don't come with picons :D
