View Full Version : hello.another noob!!!!

21-07-13, 11:33
Hi all at WoS.

Thought I'd just introduce myself before I start my journey into the whole new world of linux and enigma 2. :thumbsup:

Was looking for a bit of advice. I'm about to take the plunge and buyy a new receiver. I've been looking at a couple of boxes namely the Gigablue quad and the Technomate tm - 2t would really like some advice of you guys.

Thanx in advance. :-)

21-07-13, 16:11
:hello: anxious :welcome: to WOS.

Off the two you mentioned quad is a better box but big more of what you want and budget will allow for a better recommendations.

21-07-13, 21:44
Really just looking to replace my sly hd box with all the other extra things enigma 2 brings. The reason I was looking at the quad was if this hobby then turns into an obsession, I would then have the ability for extra tuners and so on. As well as the 2 I mentioned I was also looking at the venton hd2. They're all supported by the vix team, which I think would be my first choice. I also read that you could use a program vu player or similar and have the ability to watch things when away from the home a bit like sky go?

Sorry for all the questions but you guys seem to know your stuff on this forum.

Again any advice would be great.

Thanx again.