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View Full Version : Vu+ motor position problem

13-10-10, 18:02
Since reflashing to a new image that uses the latest drivers I have had a new problem.
I use a motor with diseqc 1.2 connected to my VU+ duo. I use stored motor positions rather than USALS as I can get much finer reception.

The problem, After flashing, I sent my channel list through to the box, found the sats and stored the position. For half a day it seems to work fine, but then i start getting a problem where it wont zap to another sat. If I switch of box, it seems to go back to normal for a while, but less time than before and the problem repeats until nothing works.

I have flashed with PLI, VIX, VTX and always get the same problem. I have the cables on the tuners to use different tuner and I have limited the plugins to see if a plug in is causing it, all to no avail. The box has been working perfectly until I flashed with new image.

anyone else having problems with stored motor positions or know what might be up?


18-10-10, 18:37
Anyone have any feedback?

Since reflashing to a new image that uses the latest drivers I have had a new problem.
I use a motor with diseqc 1.2 connected to my VU+ duo. I use stored motor positions rather than USALS as I can get much finer reception.

The problem, After flashing, I sent my channel list through to the box, found the sats and stored the position. For half a day it seems to work fine, but then i start getting a problem where it wont zap to another sat. If I switch of box, it seems to go back to normal for a while, but less time than before and the problem repeats until nothing works.

I have flashed with PLI, VIX, VTX and always get the same problem. I have the cables on the tuners to use different tuner and I have limited the plugins to see if a plug in is causing it, all to no avail. The box has been working perfectly until I flashed with new image.

anyone else having problems with stored motor positions or know what might be up?


18-10-10, 19:22
Have you tried USALS to make sure the problem dont exist with USALS too?

18-10-10, 21:15
My dish needs realigning for the USALS to work, hence the manual positions. I am not sure if it will be with USALS as well, I was using manual positions before updating the image and it was fine, and now it is not, I was wondering if anyone else has the problem, with manual positions or USALS I guess. I will try to realign dish on weekend, the missus kills me when I spend time messing around and the TV is out of action!

18-10-10, 21:22
A quickie way of getting USALS to work might be to use trial and error and add 0.1 deg steps either E or W to your longitude settings until all is well. I couldn't for the life of me get my dish to work plumb with USALS, but DiSEqC1.2 was fine. I ended up +1 deg further E than theoretical, but hey it works great so who cares!

All the best Pathfinder

18-10-10, 21:39
Try as pathfinder suggested, my longitude should be .200 west, but my dish has moved, so set it to .300 EAST to compensate.

20-10-10, 00:56
Same here, mine should be 2 west but it's set at 2 east.