View Full Version : tm 2t or solo2

10-07-13, 22:21
hi guys and gals. i currently have a tm 2t got to say i aint had any problems with it and seems a good box, i got the chance to sell it and upgrade is it worth selling and paying extra for the solo2? as ive been reading on various places on the net that they have driver issues and a few horrible bugs is this correct ?

thanks michael

10-07-13, 22:26
Poll deleted, totally pointless and not needed to get an answer your questions.

10-07-13, 22:36
it was to see what people on here would choose out of the two how is it pointless ? it was for my info and the other questions i would still like answering as im looking at possibly getting a solo2 over my tm 2t.

instead of deleting my poll why not pick what you would go for and help with my answers :)

10-07-13, 22:42
The poll was not needed, members can discuss the pro's and con's of receivers, but I get the feeling this is going to turn into somekind of receiver bashing thread so am keeping a close eye.

10-07-13, 22:42
Solo2 is worth some extra bucks. What horrible bugs do you mean?


Gesendet von meinem GT-P1000 mit Tapatalk 2

10-07-13, 22:46
The solo 2 wins hands down mate, you should use the search bar before making a poll

10-07-13, 22:48
i really dont understand what the problem is with the poll on this thread lol never mind ill live with out it :eek:

do you have a solo2 ? any issues with it ? im looking at ordering one tomorrow if they worth the extra money

10-07-13, 22:49
Yeah mate I have one and so do many others on hear.

No problems what so ever.

10-07-13, 22:55
thats good i think ill order one hopfully get it by friday, what is the best image to run on it would you say ? im running vix on my tm and its good and stable is this the best to go for?

11-07-13, 07:31
Yeah mate put the latest vix on it if that's what your use with.

I have tried a few images and always end up going back to vix as it has the best epg and very wife friendly. 👍

11-07-13, 11:43
Have both boxs and depending on what you want are equally good but the sllo2 is a new box with better specs so wins hands down but that's reflected in the price. I personally have encountered no problems Wight either.

11-07-13, 12:43
love my solo 2. can't believe I waited for so long to ditch sky. have transcoding enabled and steaming to my phone and PC in work works even better than sky go. so many features and options.

tytus 56
11-07-13, 17:25
each piece of information is an important positive and negative.
I'm going to buy this model decoder MARUSYS VU+ SOLO 2 + WiFi N 1315
(read read learns more and more opinions) LoooooL

knowledge gained is mine so far is the DM 500 sd and DM 800 HD DM 800se HD time for a change

18-07-13, 22:40
well guys i got my solo2 from the sponsor and there is a definite difference in the speed the box works just need to work out how to do the transcoding now ;)

18-07-13, 23:02
well guys i got my solo2 from the sponsor and there is a definite difference in the speed the box works just need to work out how to do the transcoding now ;)

menu> plugins> transcoding setup> ( leave the port as default (8002))