View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] Graphical epg question

10-07-13, 15:47
Quick question for a more experienced vix image user

When I graphical epg mode is there a Byron or way to scroll down a full page instead of having to scroll through each individual channel (like how the program + & - works for moving in 24 blocks)

10-07-13, 15:59
Quick question for a more experienced vix image user

When I graphical epg mode is there a Byron or way to scroll down a full page instead of having to scroll through each individual channel (like how the program + & - works for moving in 24 blocks)

Not the same but When in the graphical Epg hit the TV button on the remote to pull up the bouquet list where the program synopsis usually resides. you can then scroll through the various sections like movies etc, kind of like the way sky used to before they came up with that new appalling layout they now use.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

abu baniaz
10-07-13, 16:01
< and > (on number pad) toggle between bouquets.
2 and 8 go up a page up/down within the bouquet.
4 and 6 move page left/right within the bouquet

There are zoom buttons too. Would be handy if we could have the others listed. Not too sure what 7 and 9 do.

10-07-13, 16:03
Sweet thanks Abu

Pheonix I just discovered that feature last night which is very handy indeed

10-07-13, 16:09
2 and 8 go up a page up/down within the bouquet.

There are zoom buttons too. Would be handy if we could have these listed.

There are plans fir a ViX manual ( for want of a better word ), but its going to take a long time to create and keep updated. ( volunteers welcome LOL ).

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Rob van der Does
10-07-13, 17:01
But apart from reading a manual: did you try the help-button? That shows you all the options (as a help-button should).

10-07-13, 17:10
But apart from reading a manual: did you try the help-button? That shows you all the options (as a help-button should).

Nope didn't actually cross my mind

Would have been a good start though lol

abu baniaz
10-07-13, 17:38
Good thing about a manual is you can read it while you perform an action. Instead of tying up the receiver to read it.

Is it possible read these on the PC?

Rob van der Does
10-07-13, 17:49
It's quite simple in this case: you want to do 'something' and you don't know how to achieve that: what's simpler than looking it up by pushing 'Help'?

11-07-13, 01:23
< and > (on number pad) toggle between bouquets.
2 and 8 go up a page up/down within the bouquet.
4 and 6 move page left/right within the bouquet

There are zoom buttons too. Would be handy if we could have the others listed. Not too sure what 7 and 9 do.

7 increases/decreases amount of channels shown.
9 jumps to primetime, set to 8pm by default.