View Full Version : Some tips and some questions!!!

12-10-10, 19:27
I've had my VU+ DUO for a couple of weeks now.
I very new to all this, but thanks to lots of support here i'm up and running.

Because i'm a newbie, i've had to learn everything from scratch.
Some things that are simple for the veterans, are just not obvious for us newbies.

One thing i wanted to try was to streaming from my Duo to other PCs around the house.
Well i cannot believe how simple it is. (once you know your boxes IP address)

First you need to find out the "IP" address of your box.
Either go in to your routers setup menu and select "connected devices". Your DUO should be called BM750. Your DUOs IP will be something like etc

Or you can find it using the DUOs own menu.
Click MENU on the remote and then -> Setup - System - Network - Adaptor settings
Under "current settings" you will see "IP Address" then "" or what ever your box is set to.

That was the hard bit!

Go to your chosen PC and in internet explorers broswer just type in the DUOs IP address.
This will launch Vu+ Control in the browser.
Apart from many other things, you will find a channel list.
Click the channel of choice or at the top of the menu is the" current channel".
When you are happy, click the "small TV screen Icon" next to the channel you want.
This will launch media player, press play to start streaming the channel.
I've found the quality of HD channels to be fantastic.
There is also a "remote" in the options available to control the box.
You can even send a message to the main box, which will show "on screen". (great for requesting the wife to bring more beer!)
You will find sometimes media player doesn't want to work properly. Somebody here mentioned increasing the cache in media player, but i haven't worked out what they mean yet.
Either way, i just keep trying it until it works

There are other things in Vu+ control, so go have a play!

Right that's the tip done, now a question...!
This may be for the VIX team, but before i bother them, can somebody answer this one for me.
On the remote, there is a channel + and channel - button.
At least with VIX 1.1 pressing this just take me to the channel lists.
To actually change channels, you have to press the "D" button left or right to change up/down channels???
So my question is, wouldn't it make more sense to swap those functions around? ie have the +/- channel buttons to actually change channels and the left/right to launch into channels lists.
Is there some other reason why this hasn't been done, or cannot be done?

12-10-10, 22:30
you are right to an extent but well this is how it is. if u want to alter it u can always do by editing the keymap.xml file

i wouldn't bother doing it to be honest, just got used to the current situation

12-10-10, 22:54
Since you found it difficult to discover what the box's IP address was, I infer that you did not specifically set this yourself, and instead relied on a DHCP server (probably in your router). That's OK, but you may be better off setting a static IP in the Duo. The reason is that if you are planning to access the Duo from your LAN, or even from the other side of your firewall, it can be inconvenient if its IP address changes, as may happen with DHCP-generated IP addresses.

I recommend: Check in the Duo network settings: turn off DHCP, and put in a static IP address.

13-10-10, 09:31
Right that's the tip done, now a question...!
This may be for the VIX team, but before i bother them, can somebody answer this one for me.
On the remote, there is a channel + and channel - button.
At least with VIX 1.1 pressing this just take me to the channel lists.
To actually change channels, you have to press the "D" button left or right to change up/down channels???
So my question is, wouldn't it make more sense to swap those functions around? ie have the +/- channel buttons to actually change channels and the left/right to launch into channels lists.
Is there some other reason why this hasn't been done, or cannot be done?

As grt said, you can change this in the keymap.xml file if you really want, but it's best just to get used to it... Basically, what's happened, is that the enigma2 source as default always has those buttons set up for the bouquets, because this is how it was originally labelled on the original dreamboxes. I don't know why vu didn't label it as bouquet or channel listings... But, that's basically what it is... It's the same as the epg button on the remote. On dreamboxes, that button is labelled "Info", which is what I think vu meant it to mean... I think that the VIX image is the only image that has that button to default to the epg, as it says...

Since you found it difficult to discover what the box's IP address was, I infer that you did not specifically set this yourself, and instead relied on a DHCP server (probably in your router). That's OK, but you may be better off setting a static IP in the Duo. The reason is that if you are planning to access the Duo from your LAN, or even from the other side of your firewall, it can be inconvenient if its IP address changes, as may happen with DHCP-generated IP addresses.

I recommend: Check in the Duo network settings: turn off DHCP, and put in a static IP address.

Or, an even better resolution, would be to set a reservation for it in your dhcp server ;)