View Full Version : Bbc 1 hd

04-07-13, 18:48
Hi there what's happened to BBC1 HD all of a sudden my snr has dropped from 90 down to 20? What's everyone else getting also BBC 2 HD has no signal.

Mr. Mister
04-07-13, 18:59
mine same as its always been..


04-07-13, 19:21

Neva mind just checked it on my motorised dish and its fine must be a problem with my fixed dish or wire :(

04-07-13, 19:23
Are the trees filling out with affecting your dish line of sight? HD channels are often the first to go

04-07-13, 19:27
Changed wires around in tuners to rule out a tuner problem.

Checked f connectors and wiring in side. Look ok.

Checked wires outside all looks fine.

So looks like I'm going to have to get the ladders out to check dish and lnb :( :(

Very strange as we have had hardly any rain and no wind or anything.

Mini dish and lnb are less than 12 month old.

U can not get my head round it as all was fine yesterday ???

04-07-13, 19:35
Are the trees filling out with affecting your dish line of sight? HD channels are often the first to go

I have a 1meter motorised dish on the rear of my house and a sly mini dish at the front. The motorised one is fine just the front can not get my head round it line of sight is fine

04-07-13, 20:19
A little late to the party i know, but mine has actually improved on my main dish with the solo2, not checked the other two yet.

06-07-13, 00:05
Very strange came home from work to find that all the channels I was having problems with on my mini dish are now back to normal ??? Getting 90% on bbc1 HD again.

Looks like I don't need to get the ladders out after all :) :) :)

Some channels were so bad that I had to disable tuner A and just use my motorised dish to keep the Wife happy.

28-11-13, 08:02
I have a duo and sometimes a channel shows weak and breaking up but a box restart fixes it so next time this happens try that