View Full Version : dyndns

12-10-10, 13:00
Hi Guys
I have vix 1.1 installed (excellent image thanks for the hard work lads)
I have setup dyndns as follows:-
activate dyndns yes
ip check 5 minutes
Host xxxxxx.dyndns.org
user xxx
pass xxx
Is the above correct?
I have also set up dyndns updater on my wireless laptop (same network)
Do I need to change anything in my Cccam config file?
I have also setup static ip addresses in my dlink router
Hvve I set up everything correct as my son with whom I cs is getting freeze problems.


14-10-10, 00:35
if he is receiving then it seems you set up ok and the above looks right. the freze prob is most likely down to the internet connection on either side being slow and conection timing out

17-10-10, 10:28
Thanks Silverfox for the reply.
When my box is in standby he doesn't get any freezing and if we are on the same channel he doesn't get any freezing. This is why I thought it might be something to do with my dyndns set up.
If I try to log into my dyndns address it brings up my router page. If I log in with my box ip http// 192 etc I get the web but no picture on vlc.


17-10-10, 18:54
try using a generic prio file it seems that its just a decoding of picture delay. with respect to streaming i'm still a noob i only had my box less than a week so i'm learnig too