View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Couple of newb questions

28-06-13, 22:12
Hi all,

Got my Solo2 from forum sponsor today and have setup a little bit already. However, a couple of things which are not too obvious to me which I guess most would easily be able to answer:

1) I have a motorised setup. I've downloaded bouquets for S*y UK and S*y Italia. Everything seems good for UK, but how do I switch to Italia? I can't find the menu/remote button to do this.
2) I've got picons working for the EPG, but for the infobar, they are not appearing...any idea why? I'm using MetrixHD Skin with Ocram picons.

Thanks in advance

29-06-13, 03:54
I'm guessing you have vix installed seen as your on a vix forum of so then.

1- to change to a different satellite you can press tv button to bring up the bouquet list scroll down till the channel you want ie one on sly italya.

2- you need to press menu when the info bar is showing and enable picons

29-06-13, 09:16
Thanks, but no luck. I am using the latest Vix image.

1) I have S*y UK ad S*y Italia bouquets from AutoBouquetMaker. Yes, I can press the TV button -> All Channels (the S*y UK channel numbers come up) and press Yellow button to switch to S*y Italia (the Italia channels do not appear in order). I can then select one channel and watch that one Italia channel. When press EPG and select another Italia channel, it goes back to channel 101 on S*y UK. How do I get it to stick to Italia (as a bonus, also have channels lined up correctly as per official S*y Guida)?

2) I can't find this option. When pressing menu with the infobar showing after a channel change for example it goes to the main menu. When pressing menu after pressing right arrow (goes into Graphical InfobarEPG settings) I can only see Picon width. Please advise.


29-06-13, 10:24
If your using ABM when you press the tv button you should be able to just scroll down to italia rather than click yellow. Not sure on using abm for both regarding channel order as I use abm for uk then catseye for the rest

As for the picons I'm not too sure I thought that when viewing the epg you could click menu to give you a list of options should be in there somewhere