View Full Version : Recommend Enigma box?

09-06-13, 17:18
Ive just set my 1.2m motorised dish up but I'm about to throw this Technomate ™-800 into the river its driving me MAD.

Its currently not outputting power to the motor once its booted up, so its become a nightmare. Ive barely used it but its obviously ridiculously sluggish and slow on menus. I don't think any of the boxes or skins paticuarly excel at being "pretty" but id have thought there are some boxes a lot more stable than this.

So what do people recommend - I only need a single lnb box with HD support for a motorised dish. It'll really only be used to watch football in HD each week, the rest of the time maybe a little bit of Sky UK. So basically I just want something solid and reliable and stable when its actually used but it doesn't need to have any fancy bells or whistles and it won't be used as the main box really - not even bothered about recording but that'd be a mild bonus.

Suggestions, don't want to spend too much either.

Mr. Mister
09-06-13, 17:29
Would be better if we knew your budget buddy..

Have a look at 4 boxes.. In no particular order..

Max Digital XP1000
GigaBlue 800 SE or 800 UE
Venton HD1
Vu+ Solo

any one of these should do what your looking for..

10-06-13, 14:20
Excellent i'll have a look - finally got the TM800 working now, but will probably won't to upgrade at some point - top limit would be £200 really - any pros and cons with these boxes over each other? You wouldn't recommend a newer technomate at all now?

Would you say the tuners perform the same in all of them? (none of them any better at eking out a stronger signal?)