View Full Version : [VU+ Solo] Stuck on upgrade screen

08-06-13, 11:21
Hi, try to upgrade the vix image and its stuck on the hazard sign with upgrading message. Been like this for over half hour and I seen a thread yesterday about something similar and something to do with picons which I don't use!! Would it safe to switch the box off a d try again??

Thanks guys

08-06-13, 11:24
If it has not rebooted by now i'd give it another 10 minutes just to be sure then power it down by the rocker switch and flash from fresh if needed.

08-06-13, 11:28
Ok thanks....what's a rocker lol

08-06-13, 11:31
not sure with the solo as i dont have one but with the other models there is a physical on / off switch on the rear of the receiver aka the rocker switch.

08-06-13, 23:38
There isn't on the solo. Pull the power cord or switch off at the wall is the only recourse.