View Full Version : Hello

05-06-13, 23:57
Seems I have been a little to eager and made some posts without using my manners. Well anyway thanks all for having me, got a 2 week old Technomate TM2TOE and so far the experience has been wonderful. If I am honest I wanted the Solo 2 but to save walking into a costly divorce I took the easy option :D The box has crashed on me a few times but I have managed to reflash it and get it up and running again. I love learning new things and this has certainly been that - what with reflashes and finally working out how to stream to my phone which let me tell you have left my friends at work speechless, especially when i sent a message to the wife at home using my phone to ask her not to drink all my beer in the fridge when she read the text on screen she thought the box had somehow got a text message off a mobile phone.... Hahaha!!

This Linux thing is something I have overlooked in the past mainly due to me thinking it must be for geeks only and while that might be slightly true it has got me looking into switching my pc over to it and the possibility of learning even more.

Thanks again for reading (sorry for wasting 5 mins of your life :D)
