View Full Version : How to record streaming content

04-06-13, 14:15

I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a VU+ Duo and also a Solo2. I have installed the Media Portal plugin which offers FilmOn. I can watch ITV and BBC etc fine through this plugin streaming over the internet but is it possible to be able to record it to the hard drive in the box. Is there an app or plugin that can offer that.

And if so would I be able to add the streams to my bouquets and epg?


Rob van der Does
04-06-13, 15:43
1- Streams can be downloaded by the plugin 'MediaInfo' (available via the feeds);
2- Streams can be added to bouquets. Not sure what you mean by 'adding to EPG' though.....
If you install the settings 'hans-xxx' from the feeds you'll see loads of streams already being available.
You can use the plugin 'ADD URL' to add streams manually.

04-06-13, 16:29
live streams cannot be recorded at the moment only on demand files while they are played.
