View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Ideas Thread

03-06-13, 22:47
We have a fantastic team developing Vix, but as I've found with MetrixHD sometimes some great ideas can come out of left field. I thought I'd start a thread for ideas only - no implications for Andy and the guys to make, just for fun :)

I'll start -

As we have tags already built into the system, how about an option to make them a default display option. With a young child my recordings get clogged up rapidly and the misses struggles with folders!!! So from this:


To this - tags displayed as default rather than by pushing the blue button:


What other ideas can you think of?

03-06-13, 23:09
We have a fantastic team developing Vix, but as I've found with MetrixHD sometimes some great ideas can come out of left field. I thought I'd start a thread for ideas only - no implications for Andy and the guys to make, just for fun :)

I'll start -

As we have tags already built into the system, how about an option to make them a default display option. With a young child my recordings get clogged up rapidly and the misses struggles with folders!!! So from this:


To this - tags displayed as default rather than by pushing the blue button:


What other ideas can you think of?

ok when only have a few tags, but not when you have lots, my list has over 20 tags. so would mean i would have to scroll though all my tags every time i enter movielist, not good imo

04-06-13, 08:34
Agreed Andy it would be a pain, and sorry my bad photoshop for indicating they would go at the top like folders!

I would display the tag entry in place of where the last recorded show would be, with the sole aim of shortening the list so that if I want to get to a single show at the back end of the list I don't have to scroll through 20 pages of pingu!!

Of course Blue button would still bring up tags for quick access to shows.