View Full Version : Box crashes when changing channel using epg

03-06-13, 21:09

I'm new to all this and am setting up my new vu+ duo for the first time but the epg is driving me mad. It keeps crashing when I try to change channel using the epg. I can change channel ok if I press the up arrow to bring up the channel list and select something, but if I press the EPG button and then select a different channel the box crashes. I've attached the log produced. I'm running openvix version 3 amd crossepg. The download is successfull and I can see all the channel info but as I say, if I try to change channel it crashes. I'm pulling my hair out!!

Hopefully someone can help!!! PLEASE!!! :)


04-06-13, 08:10
Happens to me also, if I press two or three buttons in quick succession, which happens as the vu duo is quite slow to respond sometimes. Ive just assumed its a price you pay for free software :)
and Ive lived with it :(

04-06-13, 09:51
I only have to press one button. Bring up epg, scroll down to the channel i want, press OK (even after a second or two) and bang... box reboots!! :(

04-06-13, 12:01
I only have to press one button. Bring up epg, scroll down to the channel i want, press OK (even after a second or two) and bang... box reboots!! :(

What build number are you using?

This use to happen to me on one of the old builds.

Try flashing the latest build.

04-06-13, 13:56
Thanks chucknorris666.

I originally installed the latest build and this happened so went back a few versions to see if it still happened (in the hopes that it had been introduced recently). Unfortunately it still happens so I'm tempted to say that I'm doing something wrong with the EPG but I have no idea what. I've tried it with the EPG data loaded from both the hdd and usb and both crash. I'm using crossepg with the opentv provider. The download works and I see the epg on screen. Will go back to the latest build and try again!!! :(

04-06-13, 22:09
I think build 668 is the latest stable build mate.

I also use cross peg with open tv saved to hdd for my epg and it works no problem on this build.

04-06-13, 22:18
As for setting up epg its easy you carnt go wrong pal.

Menu/Setup/System/EPG/settings - change only EPG location leave all other options as they are. Then....

Menu/Setup/System/EPG/CrossEPG/OpenTV tick 28.2 then press yellow to download. That's pretty much all you need to do.

You can also set the EPG to download automatically by going to


I have mine set to download once a day at 4am.

Hope this helps

06-06-13, 13:09
Thanks again chucknorris666.

I initially installed build 668 and it crashed. Then went to an older versions still crashed. So reinstalled build 668 (didn't bother with crossepg, didn't install any other addons or plugins) and when I go to epg and try to change channel it STILL CRASHES!!!!! Aaarrrrgggghhhhh!!! This is SO annoying! :(

06-06-13, 14:04
Hmm very strange... I don't know what else to suggest, you could try changing the button set up. When in EPG press menu then change the ok button to zap and exit rather than zap and stay in EPG just give it a try see if it still crashes.

06-06-13, 14:22
OK. Will do. Thanks for the quick reply.

06-06-13, 15:20
Have you been restoring from backup? Sometimes it's best to clean flash and set up from scratch.
Saving the epg data to the hard drive works best for me - not to USB. Check your mounts are correct.
Use a swap file set at 96.
Install cacheflush from feeds and set for 40mins.

The Duo can have memory problems and all these helped stabilise mine.

Hope you get it sorted. Good box once set up.


06-06-13, 15:53
If it still crashes mate it will be helpful if you enabled crash logs and post them up hear.

There's plenty of knowledgeable people on this forum so in sure you will get it sorted soon.

06-06-13, 23:33

I've attached another log. I've flashed the latest image and still no joy. The last few lines of the log (full log attached) are...

DEMUX_STOP - pcr - ok
DEMUX_STOP - video - ok
DEMUX_STOP - audio - ok
DEMUX_STOP - ttx - ok
start release channel timer
Failed to start <enigma.eServiceReference; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'eServiceReference *' at 0x2369470> >
RemovePopup, id = Parental control
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 46, in action
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py", line 1116, in OK
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py", line 1302, in zapTo
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py", line 1294, in zapSelectedService
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'toString'
(PyObject_CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0x1aa19b8>>,('OkCancelActions', 'OK')) failed)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.sendAnonCrashlog failed !! (Typo??)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addNetwork failed !! (Typo??)
getResolvedKey config.plugins.crashlogautosubmit.addWlan failed !! (Typo??)

I have to say this doesn't mean much to me!! I enabled the debug log but the image will only allow me to set a max filesize of 10M which cuts off before the actual cause of the crash so it's not much help.

If I try to do anything with the epg it always crashes with the same error (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'toString'). I've tried it with the epg before enabling crossepg and after. Even selecting the channelI'm current;y on causes the box to crash!!! :(

I tried going to BH, and although the epg works fine, I don't thing BH is as polished as OpenVix so I'd REALLY like to get this sorted.

Many thanks for your help so far.


06-06-13, 23:49
I can start and stop recordings in epg, I just can't select a channel. I've set up a swapfile and enabled cacheflush as advised by bubbleballs (thanks for your input) but to no avail!! :(

07-06-13, 00:27
Sorry it didn't help. After this post maybe you need the mods/devs but what do you mean when you say that you can start and stop recordings in epg?


Rob van der Does
07-06-13, 05:37
Problem is, that no one can reproduce this problem.
I would flash the box, no settings restore, no plugins (only install a softcam) and download settings or use ABM. Of course configure the tuners i.a.w. your LNB setup. Then see how you go.

07-06-13, 07:25
Thanks for your replies.

OK. To avoid confusion on what I'm installing, refreshing etc. I'll list the steps I'm following. Hopefully someone might see something I'm not doing that I should be doing. Thanks

1) Put latest OpenVix image on a USB.
2) Put usb in box, switch on and wait for image to flash.
3) Restart box and go through basic settings including configuring tuners, and do an automatic channel scan.
4) Press the up button to bring up list of channels. This shows two entries ('all' and 'last scanned'). Press the red 'all' button to show all channels.
5) Scroll down the channels to find a fta channel (BBC1)
6) Press OK. Channel starts.
7) Press the up arrow again. Scroll to another fta channel (ITV). Press OK to select and channel starts.
8) Press epg (a basic and mostly empty epg appears)
9) Scroll back up to BBC1.
10) Press OK
10) Box crashes.
11) Wait for box to reboot.
12) Go to menu->setup->system->epg->settings and set 'epg location' to media/hdd and press ok.
13) Select CrossEPG->OpenTv Providers and enable 'Sky UK OpenTv 28.2' and press ok.
14) Select 'Download now' and watch download process happen successfully.
15) Press exit a few times to exit menu and return to TV channel.
16) Press epg.
17) Fully loaded epg appears.
18) Scroll to another fta channel (ITV)
19) Press ok and box crashes.
20) Wait for box to reboot.
21) Select epg, choose a channel and long press OK (zap and exit). Box crashes.

Any channel selection from the epg causes the box to crash. :(

Please let there be something obvious I'm not doing!!

Rob Van der does.... What do you mean "..and download settings or use ABM"?


Rob van der Does
07-06-13, 07:30
Rob Van der does.... What do you mean "..and download settings or use ABM"?
To get a list of channels (and bouquets) to make sure you have valid settings.
But doing a scan as you did could/should be fine as well.

07-06-13, 07:31
ABM = AutoBouquetsMaker.

have a look at this, it's not finished so may be a little rough around the edges but it will show you the basics.

07-06-13, 11:11
I'm not sure I need worry about bouquets at this point. I can't change channel even with the most basic setup.

Does it sound likely that there's something wrong with my box? Seems odd that I'm the only person having this trouble?


07-06-13, 11:23
I'm not sure I need worry about bouquets at this point. I can't change channel even with the most basic setup.

Does it sound likely that there's something wrong with my box? Seems odd that I'm the only person having this trouble?


Try setting up ABM then see if the same crash occurs, I just set up one of my Duo's and have no issues with selecting channels in the Graphical EPG or any other EPG screen for that matter.

Rob van der Does
07-06-13, 12:18
I'm not sure I need worry about bouquets at this point.
It's indeed not about bouquets, but about being sure the settings are valid. Installing from the feeds or using ABM does just that.

07-06-13, 12:43
Ok. Thanks a lot guys. Will do as soon as I get home tonight.

User Guide looks good!!! :)

07-06-13, 19:16
Ha!!!!!! You guys are the BEST!!!! It's working like a dream. Thank you soooo much! :) Love the Bouquets.

07-06-13, 22:19
Hmm strange this problem you were having I was trying to reproduce this problem but could not.

I have Neva scanned for channels before always use ABM of load one using dbe... So I was just curious why it was crashing.

Glad you got the problem sorted tho pal eventually :)