View Full Version : Disc installation/initialisation illustrated tutorial v2

08-10-10, 07:02
Hello Vuers.

I've just installed a Samsung Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ 7200rpm 1 TB 32 MB cache SATA2 drive in my Vu+ Duo, and I documented the process fairly meticulously in the hope that a guide might be considered handy for forum members. Here it is.

The process is really easy, but I've broken it down into tiny steps anyway.

What you need
- A Vu+ Duo
- A SATA disc drive, with mounting screws (preferably those that ship with the Duo)
- A #2 Philips screwdriver with a shaft longer than around 10 cm.
- If you have a tendency to drop small things like screws, tweezers may be handy.
- If you live in a really dry climate (or have fearsome a/c), you may want an antistatic strap.

Step 1
Gather what you need at your workspace. Unplug the Vu+ and let it sit for several minutes to discharge any capacitors that may be in there.
If you are using antistatic precautions, get those ready. If you don't want to go the whole hog in this regard, you can get by with just touching something that is earthed (grounded) before you start work, and from time to time, especially if the humidity is low and you static electricity is easily generated by you and your surroundings. My RH here is about 65% - I didn't bother with any precautions.

Step 2
Take out the three (3) screws in the back with a #2 Philips screwdriver (Fig 2), and the screw towards the front on each side (Fig 3). There are five (5) screws in total. These are black.

Step 3
Slide the top cover towards the back, and remove it to reveal the innards of your Duo (Fig 4).
The disc drive will be mounted on the bracket present in the area shown within the red rectangle, but to do so, you have to remove the four (4) screws at the indicated locations. These are silver.

You'll see the data and power cables the drive will use disappearing under the bracket; these are not connected to anything at this stage.
In Figure 5 we see the box with the bracket removed, and in Figure 6 the bracket itself.
Flip the bracket over.
If you are using the drive mounting kit that came with the Duo (Fig 7), insert the rubber grommets supplied into the grooves on the mounting bracket (Fig 8).

Step 4
Remove the disc drive from its packaging and place it on your work area, with the sockets to the left and the threaded holes for the mounting screws on top. Don't lose the mounting screws that came with it if you plan to use these.
Place the bracket on the drive so that the mounting holes align (Fig 9). If you are not using the Duo mounting kit, the alignment may be a little loose.

Step 5
Insert the mounting screws, securing the drive to the bracket (Fig 10). If you are not using the Duo kit, you may want to use small washers as standard disc mounting screws will only just bear on the metal; they will work though.

08-10-10, 07:05
Step 6
Flip the bracket/drive assembly over, and position it back in the box, aligning the holes in the bracket with those in the box (Fig 11). Insert the 4 silver mounting screws to secure the bracket in place.

Step 7
Now it's time to connect the power and data cables.
Each plug has a guide slot (Fig 12-13) that must align with a corresponding flange in the socket (Fig 14), so it is impossible to put these in wrongly, unless you try really hard. Don't.
If they don't attach easily, back off and get in there and have a look. You may need to flip one or both plugs over.
Figure 15 shows what the plugs look like when correctly attached.

Step 8
That's it. You should have something that looks like Figure 16.
If so, you are ready to replace the top cover by sliding it from the back and replacing the five black screws.

08-10-10, 07:09

This procedure was performed using the openPLI image. Other images may work differently.

Step 1
Attach all of the necessary cables to the unit and power it on. Work through the menus as follows using the remote control: Setup > System > Harddisk > Initialization, and you should see your disc drive listed there.

Step 2
Press OK, and you'll get an information screen.
Press the RED button and you'll get a confirmation screen.
Make very sure you aren't tricked into doing anything silly, for example, finding yourself in the situation where the new drive you've installed hasn't been recognised at all, and the drive listed is actually your USB drive with all of your files on it, and blindly going ahead and deleting them forever.

If all is well, press "OK", and the initialisation will start. This took about 3 minutes for my 1 TB drive.

Step 3
What happens next is a little confusing. You will again be presented with a dialog box asking you to select your disc drive.

It seems that no message confirming successful initialisation is given, and this box is actually asking for another disc to initialise, not asking you to select your newly initialised disc. That being the case, press "Exit" to move up a level in the menus.

Step 4
Technically, this part is probably optional, but I'd recommend it.
Select Filesystem Check by using the arrows and the "OK" button...
...and your disc will be listed...

Press "OK".

08-10-10, 07:12
A box will appear displaying the disc details...
Press the RED button to check that the file system just installed is valid.
I found this reassuring since without any confirmation that the initialisation process had succeeded, I wanted some proof.

You'll get a confirmation box...
... and you should press "OK".

The file system check will start. This took about 8 minutes for my 1 TB drive.

Step 5
As with initialisation, there is no confirmation of success, just a return to the drive selection box.
Press "Exit" twice, then choose "Recording paths"
Listed here was the mount point for the network volume I'd been using.
Press the right arrow key, and...
... there is the path to the "movie" folder on the new disc!
Press the GREEN button to save it as your default path.

Step 6
But, is the disc really there?
Press "Exit" four times to get right out of the menus, then press the "Recording list" button, the one to the right of the "Menu" button.
Yes! 995876 MB free diskspace.
Press the YELLOW "Location" button, and you'll see all of the other known places...
... including the root directory of the new drive.

And there it is.

10-11-10, 06:35
Great tutorial and easy to follow thanks

08-12-10, 11:57
Wow...thanks a lot folks for your help...excellent thread.

14-12-10, 20:23
great work Thank You very much

05-01-11, 09:57
thanks for the awesome guide :-)

27-01-11, 00:13
I now have a VU+ and looking at the instructions about harddisk insatllation I find on my VU that at the "system" stage in the menues an option for "harddisk" is not there in order to get to the initialization stage.

Is it the case that the harddrive first has to be fitted before that option shows????????

27-01-11, 00:18
Correct - the option is only there if you have an HDD installed

27-01-11, 00:30
Correct - the option is only there if you have an HDD installed

I asume then that also applies regarding an external usb drive.......Do you connect the USB drive power off then on and the VU+ reacts????? As one would do with a usb flash drive!!!!

Royal with Cheese
01-02-11, 21:02
Just installed 2TB Hitachi drive with no issue. Many thanks for the guide!

14-02-11, 01:32

Need help in selecting Sata Cable I've already bought Western Digital SATA 3 Hard drive, WD10EURS - SATA 3GB/s

Will this one work:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Serial-Straight-Latching-cannot-disconnect/dp/B003QHHWCS/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1297643264&sr=1-2 ?


14-02-11, 04:34

Need help in selecting Sata Cable I've already bought Western Digital SATA 3 Hard drive, WD10EURS - SATA 3GB/s

Will this one work:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Serial-Straight-Latching-cannot-disconnect/dp/B003QHHWCS/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1297643264&sr=1-2 ?


sata cable already provided with the duo

it already plugged in the box when u open it u will see it

14-02-11, 13:08
Quick Question: So after flashing the STB with VIX Image I then need to Format the HDD with it's OS menu and then download Plugins and CCcam's etc? I'm still on Image 1.3 atmo thinking of upgrading to latest v2.0.

14-02-11, 13:17
you dont need to format your hard drive, when you upgrade to 2.0 it will already be initialized. when you have installed, do a full software update first, then you can download plugins. you will need to install cccam manually as it isnt in the plugins menu no more

check the post here


you will need to do your settings all over again, so make sure you take a backup via DreamBox Edit of your bouqets etc. once you have flashed then you can restore bouqets back via dreambox edit. Do not restore from previous settings when you flash and go through the initial setup guide as vix 2.0 might not work properly.

If you get stuck just ask and anyone will help ya here

01-03-11, 13:27
Hi I have followed this guide all went well until I got to the initialistion which came you the the error below. Using old external Maxtor 500gb which had 2 partitions with permissions. I used used windows 7 to format it and remove partitions.

Also tried to telnet into the Vuo Duo and I get asked for USER PASS tried
User :root
Pass :dreambox

User :root
Pass :

with no luck

Initalizing storage device....
Error: or by label.using -L label or by uuid.
using -U uuid.
Other option: [-ntfsvw][-o options][-p passwdfd]
For many more details, say man 8 mount.

01-03-11, 13:45
I'm guessing that you are not using the original image as I've read several similar threads and this seems to be the problem. The recommendation has been to reflash with the original image, format the disc, and then reflash with whatever you wish to use.

For telnet, try root/vuduo

01-03-11, 16:59
Hi xarqi now all sorted after reading the other thread. Maybe a sticky saying VIX 2 cannot format your hard drive use VIX 1.3 would save people a lot of time.

25-03-11, 18:16
i done every thing as described, and works 100%, there is one problem, when i restart the box it takes about 6min, then it does not reconise the hdd drive then i had to do all over agin,
what could be the reason ?

25-03-11, 18:18
i am useing blackhole v1.4.5 image

03-06-11, 08:46
to be clear, you used the hard drive straight out of the box? no need for making an active partition?

04-06-11, 00:21
to be clear, you used the hard drive straight out of the box? no need for making an active partition?
That's right. I installed mine exactly as delivered, with no prior initialisation or formatting or similar. Out of the box, into the Duo, then initialised by the Duo. I assume that the drive was preformatted by Samsung as some sort of Windows format, but I've no idea what or if that is in any way relevant, but I'd be surprised if it was.

06-06-11, 11:27
Just about to fit a samsung 2tb drive into my duo - any need for jumoers to be fitted or just go ahead and fit without?

06-06-11, 11:51
No the samsung 2tb is fitted just like any other Hard Drive and just needs initializing after installation before it can be used

07-06-11, 20:43
I am going to exchange my HD for a Samsung 2TB and would like to partion the drive. Could someone explain how to do this task I presume I will have to do this on my PC before fixing into my Vu

29-06-11, 07:18
Partition with easeus partition manager, google it.
I installed a samsung 1.5tb into my sis new duo last night, it will not initialize in vix no matter what.
Only way round it was install a vu genuine image i installed the latest june 2011 image, initialized which took approx 1 minute, then installed vix 2.2 and now hard drive all working, no need to initialize again in new image

29-06-11, 11:11
I am going to exchange my HD for a Samsung 2TB and would like to partion the drive. Could someone explain how to do this task I presume I will have to do this on my PC before fixing into my Vu

Can partition on the linux boxes simply... Here's a little guide (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?344-Common-used-Unix-Linux-telnet-commands&p=34427&viewfull=1#post34427)...

If you use the initialise command within e2, then that will usually remove any partitions you just created... So, you will manually need to format the partitions, and create the /media/hdd/movie folder...

18-07-11, 19:54
Is it ok to install the SATA HDD before ever switching the Duo on after purchasing it?

Thats my plan anyways - thought it would save some time and have read its best to initialise with the standard image rather than flashing an image and then attempting.

18-07-11, 20:13
Well wen i got my duo i opened it up and before switchin it on connected up hdd then flashed vix image amd then initialized hdd and that was it all set up and running. Some have had to flash original image in order to get hdd initialized and then flash their desired image. But its upto u mate

18-07-11, 20:37
Well wen i got my duo i opened it up and before switchin it on connected up hdd then flashed vix image amd then initialized hdd and that was it all set up and running. Some have had to flash original image in order to get hdd initialized and then flash their desired image. But its upto u mate

Sure I'll give that a bash so - I got a Samsung HD103SJ SpinPoint F3 1TB 7200RPM SATA II 3GB/s 32MB earlier and people in the other thread have said that it works ok in the Duo.


12-01-12, 00:03
I just read through your tutorial fantastic work, am currently running VIX 2.3 would I have re flash it back to its original firmware or could I just install the hard drive it would work. If i have to re-Flash where could I get the original firmware from ?

Thank you

12-01-12, 14:00
I just read through your tutorial fantastic work, am currently running VIX 2.3 would I have re flash it back to its original firmware or could I just install the hard drive it would work. If i have to re-Flash where could I get the original firmware from ?

Thank you
Ah - yeah! I got the PM, but then something came up - sorry.
The thing is, I've never seen any need to use any image other than the one loaded on my Duo when I got it, and that is openPLi, so I can't answer first hand. I do know that there is an archive of original images for download on this site somewhere though, if that helps at all.

Maybe someone who has initialised discs using VIX can comment more usefully.

20-01-12, 16:58
Thanks for this tutorial, must be one of the best written and illustrated i have seen.

28-01-12, 17:27
hi, i am trying to install seagate internal sta hdd in vu+duo with BH 1.7.1 image and post 1 tut i follow till step4 and get this errer

unable to complete filestem check.
error:fsck failed

any help please

28-01-12, 20:45
hi, i am trying to install seagate internal sta hdd in vu+duo with BH 1.7.1 image and post 1 tut i follow till step4 and get this errer

unable to complete filestem check.
error:fsck failed

any help please


In BH, press Blue button, Blue button which takes you to Blackhole E2 Settings. Scroll down to Device Manager and select that. You should see your HDD listed there. Highlight it and press Yellow to format it. When finished, press Red for Mountpoints. Highlight your device and press Right Arrow until you see /media/hdd then press Red to save.

Worth doing a proper shutdown from here - Long Power Button press and Shutdown.

When you restart, go back into Device Manager again and see that your drive is still listed correctly with the /media/hdd Mountpoint.

That's it - job done. No need to initialise or Filesystem Check.

Report back and let us know how it goes.

Cheers, Mark

28-01-12, 20:46
Double post - disregard.

29-02-12, 16:33
This was brill....Thanks

02-03-12, 09:06
Thank you! I have just done it. So easy, thank you again!

01-08-12, 00:20
Thank you very much, couldnt figure out how to screw my drive in, your guide is truly excellent and made it child play ....finally can record...oh happy days

04-04-13, 14:17
Folks, a quick question, and hopefully someone will have a quick answer for me....

Im setting up a new vu duo for a mate. He has given me over an old 250gb hard drive from a pc. Ive just opened the duo and noticed that the power and connector cable (which is the red lead inside?) do not fit the hard drive.

I installed an internal hard drive at my own house years ago, but i cant get at it now to as it is in built in a display cabinet, so i cant have a look inside it. I could be wrong, but i think i used a similar 3.5 hdd in my own.
So my question is, can i buy a connector to use with this hard drive? it has a 4 pin power adapter, then a 4 pin section with a jumper, and a large serial port.

Its a seagate 250gb and at the bottom it refers to connection with an Ultra ATA cable if this helps - i can also upload a photo if that makes it easier too

Thanks in advance

04-04-13, 18:54
The box is SATA and your HDD is ide so will need a convertor for it

07-07-13, 18:38
My word Ive just joined so informative wow thank you

07-09-13, 10:28


17-12-13, 14:23
Hi there, just read the entire thread and still wasnt 100% so apologies for possibly a stupid question. I am eagerly awaiting the Duo today, comes pre built with VIX, i have a few hard drives floating about but im pretty sure they have data on them and are in NTFS. I dont mind losing the data but my question was prior to installing it into the DUO do i need to format it with FAT32 and then shove it in or is the initialisation process on the DUO formatting it to its own prop format so no need for me to do anything?

Second question i also have some samsung EVO SSD drives and some iceydocks, is there any advantage of putting an SSD in there as opposed to a normal drive? if so ill whack that in...

Great tutorial by the way!

18-12-13, 06:50
Hi there, just read the entire thread and still wasnt 100% so apologies for possibly a stupid question. I am eagerly awaiting the Duo today, comes pre built with VIX, i have a few hard drives floating about but im pretty sure they have data on them and are in NTFS. I dont mind losing the data but my question was prior to installing it into the DUO do i need to format it with FAT32 and then shove it in or is the initialisation process on the DUO formatting it to its own prop format so no need for me to do anything?

You should not need to format the disc prior to inserting it into the receiver, as you correctly say you just need to initialize the HDD from within the image to a linux compatible format ( Ext3 /Ext4 ).

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

30-12-13, 03:37
I done the same, i took a drive from a slybox with all sorts of data on it, never checked it. plugged in the cables, powered up the Duo and it started reading the drive
Yahoo, Then i ran VUCC and formatted it through the auto format and off we go, All epg fin, picons fine and now were recording. Happy Days.
Great Tutorial, Cheers Eddie:eek:

31-12-13, 12:58
Can i install a 3.5 sata hdd in the duo or only a 2.5 sata disk?
(want to use a new 1 tb 3.5 sata disk i just put in my S*y box when i change over to a linux reciever)
Great tutorial. Thanx:)
Cheers Dennis

31-12-13, 13:02
Duo can use both 3.5" and 2.5" HDD.

01-01-14, 19:24
Which way is the HDD on Solo2 supposed to be installed, some say shiny side up is correct, others say shiny side down is correct.


This guy says that is correct but other guides showing on top, shiny side up is correct.

Would obviously rather use the recommended way so as not to cause any problems.

01-01-14, 19:29
No live links please, as to how to mount the drive it really makes no difference either way.

05-02-14, 00:44
Many thanks I'm a newbie,and that's a great tutorial to starting me off on setting this up

17-09-14, 11:27
I want to remove formatted Hard Drive from Vu+ Duo and place into xtrend et9000 box. Will I need to reformat the Hard drive when I place into the xtrend box? Both boxes are running VIX images.

abu baniaz
17-09-14, 12:17
I want to remove formatted Hard Drive from Vu+ Duo and place into xtrend et9000 box. Will I need to reformat the Hard drive when I place into the xtrend box? Both boxes are running VIX images.
No need to format/initialise

06-01-16, 10:51
Great guide thanks.

20-03-18, 18:28
thanks am beguiner here.

28-09-18, 16:24
Guys my duo is not detecting my hdd after I flashed with the latest image, so I have no options to initialize or mount.

could i run a usb cable from the front of my duo to my laptop so I can format the hdd in the box, or will this not work and I need to remove the hdd from the box??


28-09-18, 16:42
You’ll have to remove the HDD from your receiver and try n format on your PC.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-10-18, 22:47
ok thanks. I thought I would.

14-10-18, 12:43
I once lost my hdd as not seen when switched on but after a reboot of box i was lucky and seen again.