View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] 1080p

29-05-13, 10:14
Hi all, why is it that on certain images (can't remember which ones) 1080p mkv files play flawlessly from my externally powered drive and then on the next few image updates its hit and miss.

After around 15 minutes playback, the same mkv file that played great months ago on an old image, will start stuttering and the Vix logo appears spinning slowly and eventually crashing the Duo after a minute.

It seems weird that it only happens on certain images, like the last 2 updates for example.

Anybody else experiencing the same issues? I've plenty space free as its a clean install with 1 plugin, Dreambox Explorer.

Thanks for any help/suggestions.

29-05-13, 11:10
Debug logs please...

We cannot look in to the problem without knowing what your debug logs are saying. Like saying to a mechanic that the engine just lost power, what is the problem with it. They'd need to check the diagnostics on the car to find the problem ;)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

02-06-13, 10:06
thanks pooface, here's the attached log.

14-06-13, 20:12
just to update, build 678 plays the 1080p mkv files flawlessly, so don't know if this was coincidence or you guys found the bug but thanks