View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] DynamicDNS/ InaDyn/ Vix / Solo2/ Feeds down?

26-05-13, 01:36
So this is what happened

I want to setup DYNAMIC DNS, so InaDyn but when I click it, it says "Sorry feeds are down for maintenance, please try again later"...

Then I try software update, says feeds are down.

Read somewhere after searching its got to do with wget file, but also something regarding binary hacks.

Anyway, I want Dynamic DNS so I can watch from Samsung galaxy s3 the content on vu+ Solo2 which is on vix, latest firmware (openvix-3.0.668-vusolo2_usb.zip)

Also the Vu+ connected directly via ethernet to a TP LInk Switch - which is connected to BT Infinity Modem which is connected to the phone socket (a seperate part for Infinity). So those people who gave solutions saying router might be the issue - there is no router for me, its direct.

Please help. Please Help. New to Vu+, had Skybox f5 before, but managed to get a grip on it except dynamic dns.


26-05-13, 06:15
The feeds are just fine as can be seen by this


on the www.openvix.co.uk (http://www.openvix.co.uk) web site.

I also installed samba this morning @ 04:30 while getting ready for work on my solo2.

Rob van der Does
26-05-13, 06:42
So the BT Infinity Modem has no router function? That means it doesn't give the box an IP-address?
I'm not familiar with that modem, but most do have a router as well.
Anyway: did you try rebooting the modem?
And can you try

ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com
in telnet and post the result?

26-05-13, 13:08

Firstly - Thank you for the fast response.

Secondly, I have tried updating and entering Inadyn menu but with no success, it is now 1:01PM GMT and I have failed twice now, last attempt being 1:30AM GMT. In between that time pheonix was successful and I checked status of vix, which shows green light - so I am guessing the issue is on my end.

One thing is, I dont understand what it means by feed? - the only feed im aware of is the cabling LNB 1 and 2 going into the box - which are fine.

Moving on modem does give IP address, but its not like a router where you can type in 192.168.... and go into a control panel, its simply connect and go...

Next, you requested telnet command result, I only pasted a certain amount as the sequence is ongoing:

Thanks for your help, hope to you here from you soon: The sequence was ongoing and I just tried trimming it down, hope it doesnt effect results:

"root@vusolo2:~# ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com
PING enigma2.world-of-satellite.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=55 time=31.780 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=55 time=31.636 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=55 time=31.490 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=55 time=31.626 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=55 time=31.522 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=55 time=31.682 ms
64 bytes from seq=6 ttl=55 time=31.782 ms
64 bytes from seq=7 ttl=55 time=31.441 ms
64 bytes from seq=8 ttl=55 time=31.554 ms
64 bytes from seq=9 ttl=55 time=31.950 ms
64 bytes from seq=10 ttl=55 time=31.598 ms
ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com64 bytes from seq=11 ttl=55 tim e=31.445 ms
64 bytes from seq=12 ttl=55 time=31.600 ms
64 bytes from seq=13 ttl=55 time=31.474 ms
64 bytes from seq=14 ttl=55 time=31.873 ms
ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.comping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com64 bytes f rom seq=15 ttl=55 time=32.011 ms
ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.comping enigma2.world-of-satellite.comping enigm a2.world-of-satellite.comping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com64 bytes from 94.75. 215.25: seq=16 ttl=55 time=32.176 ms
64 bytes from seq=17 ttl=55 time=32.032 ms
^[ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com^[64 bytes from seq=18 ttl=55 time=31.420 ms
ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.comping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com^[64 bytes from seq=19 ttl=55 time=31.828 ms
ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com^[64 bytes from seq=20 ttl=55 t ime=31.434 ms
64 bytes from seq=21 ttl=55 time=31.806 ms
64 bytes from seq=22 ttl=55 time=31.674 ms
64 bytes from seq=23 ttl=55 time=31.577 ms
64 bytes from seq=24 ttl=55 time=31.445 ms
64 bytes from seq=25 ttl=55 time=31.821 ms
64 bytes from seq=26 ttl=55 time=31.706 ms
--- enigma2.world-of-satellite.com ping statistics ---
27 packets transmitted, 27 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 31.420/31.680/32.176 ms

26-05-13, 13:12
by feeds i'm referring to the image server feeds where we host our images and plugins.

try this in telnet and let us know the result.

init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 3

Rob van der Does
26-05-13, 13:37
Anyway: the ping-command shows the internet connection of the box is OK.

26-05-13, 14:27
Thanks for reply. Hope this helps:

by feeds i'm referring to the image server feeds where we host our images and plugins.

try this in telnet and let us know the result.

init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 3

root@vusolo2:~# init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 3
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/3rdparty/Pac kages.gz.
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/all/Packages .gz.
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/mips32el/Pac kages.gz.
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/ocram/Packages.gz.
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/vusolo2/Pack ages.gz.
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/3rdparty/Packages.gz, wget returned 255.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/all/Packages.gz, wget returned 255.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/mips32el/Packages.gz, wget returned 255.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /ocram/Packages.gz, wget returned 255.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/vusolo2/Packages.gz, wget returned 255.

26-05-13, 14:38
the wget error suggests that you may be another suffering from the same as in this thread.


26-05-13, 14:54

Received this box from word of satellite on Friday, and then followed instructions: http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?23571-New-box-set-up-guide

Now need dyndns but stuck.

Youve told me wget has error. Thread youve shown indicates I may have a virus? on a Linux which is very protected - am I right?

So what is the solution? What do I do now?

26-05-13, 15:01
I'm just trying to find out what has and has not happened to your receiver, if and it's a big if, but if your receiver has become infected it's likely as a result of your router already being infected.

Try reflashing the receiver with a fresh image then setup again and make sure you set a password for telnet and FTP access.

what image build are you currently on ?

Menu> Information> about.

26-05-13, 15:16

See (http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/1477/screenshotgp.jpg) for that screen.

Can you guide me on reflashing please - I dont want to mess it up?


26-05-13, 15:24

See (http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/1477/screenshotgp.jpg) for that screen.

Can you guide me on reflashing please - I dont want to mess it up?


well your in luck.

you can either use this tutorial or as your already on build 668 you could flash the receiver directly without even getting off your couch.

if you want to do it the other way let me know and i'll work up a set of instructions.

26-05-13, 15:32
Before you do flash the receiver, you may also want to make a set of backups just to be safe, and i just happen to have a tutorial for that too.

26-05-13, 15:42
well your in luck.

you can either use this tutorial or as your already on build 668 you could flash the receiver directly without even getting off your couch.

if you want to do it the other way let me know and i'll work up a set of instructions.

Hi, by other way if you mean flash receiver without getting of couch - im assuming it will be the quicker method with same result, in this case please do inform me how, in the meantime I will run the backups.

Thanks for your help so far - you have been awesome!

26-05-13, 16:00
Hi, by other way if you mean flash receiver without getting of couch - im assuming it will be the quicker method with same result, in this case please do inform me how, in the meantime I will run the backups.

Thanks for your help so far - you have been awesome!

yes thats what i mean, first you will need a fresh copy of the latest image from www.openvix.co.uk (http://www.openvix.co.uk).


- download the image of your choice from www.openvix.co.uk (http://www.openvix.co.uk) in this case the Solo2 image build 668 as this is the latest version.
- using your favorite compression software ( 7zip, winrar, winzip etc ) unpack the image to your desktop.

you should end up with a folder named ( openvix-3.0.668-vusolo2_usb ) this is your image file.

- FTP into your receiver and navigate to /media/hdd/imagebackups ( if you dont have this folder just create it )
- copy the image folder you extracted to this location.

now on your receiver navigate to the image manager.

- blue button> ViX> image manager.

by default the image manager is set to save to /media/hdd ( you can change this to /media/usb but for now media/hdd is good )
-scroll until you hit the one that corresponds to your image file ( openvix-3.0.668-vusolo2_usb ), then either press ok of press the restore button and thats about it. the receiver will reboot once flashed and you will be taken to the first install wizard to setup from scratch.

26-05-13, 16:31
ok buddy, i have to go now as my shift is coming to a end soon ( i'm at work ).

i'll be back online in about a hour and a half if you still need help just hollar.

26-05-13, 19:55
Thanks mate, followed your instructions - ALL WORKING NOW.

Great stuff, changed my password with telnet - hopefully wont have to reflash in future for this reason.

Moving on - can you please advise me on step by step on how to set up InaDyn? I already have a no-ip.com account, dont understand some instructions their requesting.

26-05-13, 20:09
Thanks mate, followed your instructions - ALL WORKING NOW.

Great stuff, changed my password with telnet - hopefully wont have to reflash in future for this reason.

Moving on - can you please advise me on step by step on how to set up InaDyn? I already have a no-ip.com account, dont understand some instructions their requesting.

sadly mate i cant help with that as its a area i'm just not familiar with, i am very pleased your reflash went ok though.

26-05-13, 20:56
sadly mate i cant help with that as its a area i'm just not familiar with, i am very pleased your reflash went ok though.

Thanks. Anywhere you can direct me for help please? Lost right now with InaDYN

30-05-13, 16:00
there is a excellent adv from 'punisher' just search forum how to setup inadyn vix.
hope this will help you

05-06-13, 20:27
I cant seem to get to that address at all from my solo2 v3 668.

root@vusolo2:~# ping enigma2.world-of-satelitte.com
ping: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satelitte.com'
root@vusolo2:~# ping enigma2.world-of-satelitte.com
ping: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satelitte.com'
root@vusolo2:~# init 4 && opkg update && opkg upgrade && init 3
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/3rdparty/Pac kages.gz.
wget: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/all/Packages .gz.
wget: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/mips32el/Pac kages.gz.
wget: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/ocram/Packages.gz.
wget: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
Downloading http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds/3.0/vusolo2/vusolo2/Pack ages.gz.
wget: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/3rdparty/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/all/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/mips32el/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /ocram/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://enigma2.world-of-satellite.com/feeds /3.0/vusolo2/vusolo2/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
root@vusolo2:~# wget: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
-sh: wget:: not found

05-06-13, 21:30
I can ping the ip address but not the url, is there a dns translation issue?

Welcome to OpenViX for vusolo2
openvix 3.0 vusolo2

vusolo2 login: root
root@vusolo2:~# ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com
ping: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
root@vusolo2:~# ping enigma2.world-of-satellite.com
ping: bad address 'enigma2.world-of-satellite.com'
root@vusolo2:~# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=55 time=48.520 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=55 time=48.139 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=55 time=47.276 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=55 time=49.181 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=55 time=47.888 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=55 time=48.504 ms
64 bytes from seq=6 ttl=55 time=47.933 ms
64 bytes from seq=7 ttl=55 time=47.923 ms
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 8 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 47.276/48.170/49.181 ms