View Full Version : Dead hard drives

25-05-13, 16:19
For some reason I've had a string of failed hard drives. I previously had a clone Duo (I didn't know it was one when I bought it) and I went through three failed hard drives in 2 months. I seen the error of my ways and got a new Solo2 and installed a 2.5" 500gb drive. It worked fine for two days then developed a fault. Is it something I'm doing wrong or have I just been unlucky?


25-05-13, 21:33
My first question would be where are you getting the drives from ?? if they are 'new' then most manufacturers have at least a 2 year warranty, so get them replaced. I am going to buy one on Monday a 1 TB Samsung Spinpoint for my Solo2 Never had any problems with Samsung drives in the past so no reason to start now.

26-05-13, 05:28
Just very unlucky i'd say. i have had one HDD fail on me in a receiver but that was a very old HDD salvaged from a old PC in a receiver that got so hot you could fry a egg on it ( a old DM7020 si )

26-05-13, 08:18
If its bad luck, then you must be one unlucky soab! Lol...

I can't see that many failed hard drives being unlucky tho... By dying on you, what do you mean? Do thy just stop working completely? As asked before, are they new or taken from other equipment?

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26-05-13, 20:41
Two were old and two were new. The new one I put in my solo2 went within a day. It was a WD Blue 500gb. Must just be unlucky. I thought perhaps timeshift was punishing them or something. I've put a 320gb in now which I think is fine but I'm having mount problems so will start another thread elsewhere. Thanks for replies. :)

26-05-13, 20:47
By "went", how did it go? Does it not work in anything at all any more? Or does it just not work on the box? Ot what?

09-06-13, 09:58
I've heard bad things about Western digital and Hitachi hard drives used in pc, a mate of mine fixes computers and reckons its always these drives that get bad sectors.
So I got a samsung spinpoint 1tb and ain't had any problems so far.
With PCs turning the power off at wall can damage hard drives, do you regularly do that perhaps?

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09-06-13, 18:26
Two were old and two were new. The new one I put in my solo2 went within a day. It was a WD Blue 500gb. Must just be unlucky. I thought perhaps timeshift was punishing them or something. I've put a 320gb in now which I think is fine but I'm having mount problems so will start another thread elsewhere. Thanks for replies. :)

Had a 320 blue in my ultimo that went within 9 months. Ultimo was only used for a few hours a day.

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09-06-13, 18:29
I've only ever had one dead HDD in many many years :D and that was a WD Black 1TB (arrived DOA)

10-06-13, 14:01
coming from an IT background and selling a lot of storage i see failed HD all the time, it comes from the disk shortages from the tsunami. As there are only 2 disk manufactures that then let other companies OEM the drives, they rushed out a lot of them hence failing disks due to failing quality control we had 6 out of 10 drives fail in a SAN we sold.
but to have that many drives failed is rather unlucky!!

10-06-13, 15:29
Just having to rma a 1tb wd essentials 2.5 hdd at mo...

This is a portable only, but it's about the 3rd hdd die in as many months!

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