View Full Version : CI+

21-05-13, 16:04
Hi.Will support ViX images Ci+?Do you have any plan?

Rob van der Does
21-05-13, 16:11
It is very unlikely that CI+ will ever be supported by any 'open' box.

21-05-13, 18:39
Sorry but not support.I have Ultimo and I want use CI+ Irdeto,shows me CI message stb is not support for CI+:confused:

21-05-13, 19:31
No opensource receivers supports CI+ hardware.

23-05-13, 13:26
Just one box,O.....x S9 supports CI+:((

Rob van der Does
23-05-13, 13:37
Just one box,O.....x S9 supports CI+:((
Are you sure? Is this the CI+ in which (still) no limitations have been enforced?

23-05-13, 14:17
yes I'm sure.I'm testing now,CI+ irdeto work with that box.

Rob van der Does
23-05-13, 14:20
No, I meant the second part of my question: the CI+-system you're using still has no limitations? If so, I do believe it will work. But wait until the limitations are in place!

23-05-13, 14:53
no limitations,working perfectly.They have special SW for CI+.

Rob van der Does
23-05-13, 16:32
Exactly as I thought: as long as CI+ has not imposed the limitations yet, support will be possible. But wait what happens when they do!

23-05-13, 17:31
I think will work.I think they have license for CI+ module,they are so seriously company.

Rob van der Does
23-05-13, 17:35
Seriously?? The only thing CI+ is about, is limiting people's freedom! So not sure what you mean by 'a serious company'.....

If you don t believe me: google a bit around 'CI+' and you'll see what I mean :eek:

23-05-13, 18:51
we will see later but that box not interesting for me.I use Vu+ and interesting for me Vu+ images must support.