View Full Version : Regarding the closed thread: Image Backup Scripts for VU+DUO Dream Elite images only

06-10-10, 19:05
As the thread is closed, I don't know where to address this issue, but hopefully I may get some advice here.

I just want to find out how these scripts are supposed to work. I've tried to make a USB-backup, but little seems to happen. That is, I get a message on the screen, which ends like this...
swapon: /media/usb/backup/swapfile_backup: Invalid argument
swap activated
Image backup started : 19:12:13-
Create boot....

Aso, aso... Until it pops up a message telling me that the job is done. Only, the USB-stick is still empty... Am I doing something wrong? Using my FTP, I could see that there's generated a few files under the mentioned folder. Am I maybe supposed to manually transfer those to the USB-stick..?

In short; I'm a newbie, and any help would be just great! I'm pleased with the DE 1.3.3 image, but it sure would've been fun to try something else as well. Before I do, I just need to know that I have a backup of the existing image, all settings included. :confused:


07-10-10, 16:13
I had problems with this too. If you don't have a harddisk installed (I'm presuming you don't?), then the usb stick will be mounted on /media/hdd. That's why the swapon command is failing, and why the USB stick remain empty.

Also you need to have the usb stick in the receiver when you install the ipk package as it creates the backup directory and installs some files on it.

07-10-10, 18:51
I had problems with this too. If you don't have a harddisk installed (I'm presuming you don't?), then the usb stick will be mounted on /media/hdd. That's why the swapon command is failing, and why the USB stick remain empty.

Also you need to have the usb stick in the receiver when you install the ipk package as it creates the backup directory and installs some files on it.


Actually I do have a HDD, but I was not aware oft the fact that the USB had to be in the receiver when I installed the IPK-package. I'll give it a try...

guff daddy
07-10-10, 19:43

Actually I do have a HDD, but I was not aware oft the fact that the USB had to be in the receiver when I installed the IPK-package. I'll give it a try...
You only need a USB if you don't have a HDD. With a HDD installed, it will create the backup in a folder on the drive. You can then FTP the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick on your PC.

07-10-10, 19:58
You only need a USB if you don't have a HDD. With a HDD installed, it will create the backup in a folder on the drive. You can then FTP the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick on your PC.

Thank you, then I will have to try this. It didn't help with the USB in, when I installed the package (which was DEL, and not Ipk).

Any idea of what the files I need, are called? I think I've located the folder (/media/usb), but I do not know what to transfer. The whole folder, all the contents, or only a few files..?

07-10-10, 21:17
Strange... I can see the files getting "built up", but in the same second as the process is done, the files disappear from the folder...

Could it be that this just doesn't work properly..?

07-10-10, 21:38
i had this working to my hdd until last sunday, now i get the message permission denied.

anyone help.

07-10-10, 23:01
Strange... I can see the files getting "built up", but in the same second as the process is done, the files disappear from the folder...

Could it be that this just doesn't work properly..?

It does work because I've used it, but it took me a few goes to get it to work properly (as per my post above).

There are 2 packages one for USB and one for HDD. As I only had a USB at the time that was the one I installed. I had to remount the USB as /media/usb (instead of /media/hdd) to get the script to work. In my case, when it completed the backup had created a 'date-stamp' directory(20101002) in /media/usb/backup, i.e.


In there was a .nfi image, and vuplus/duo/ directories containing


The bit you want (to restore the image from usb) is vuplus/duo/*

07-10-10, 23:03
Strange... I can see the files getting "built up", but in the same second as the process is done, the files disappear from the folder...

Could it be that this just doesn't work properly..?

The files will "disappear" if you run out of space before it completes. My backup was about 116MB.

08-10-10, 20:39
Thank you for helping, sonc! I really appreciate it.

My files was in the same folder as yours (/media/usb/backup/20101002_100100), and I don't think it was any space-problems, as the script ran fine, and in the same second as the "Finished..." message appeared on the TV, the folder just went empty. I will try mounting the USB as you're suggesting. Hopefully I'll work it out.

08-10-10, 21:13
Sorry, was a bit to late to edit my posting...

Well, I can't even find out how to mount a USB-stick as USB. In the media-folder, there's usb, usb2 and usb3, and I guess that these are the three USB-connections on the receiver. usb is probably the folder for the front-connection, and it is in this folder there's "action" when the script is running. Maybe the stick must be complete with folders, or something..? A particular name..? Just empty, but in the FAT32 format?

08-10-10, 21:34
You only need a USB if you don't have a HDD. With a HDD installed, it will create the backup in a folder on the drive. You can then FTP the file to a FAT32 formatted USB stick on your PC.

I've just tried this, and I found a folder with a new root- and a new boot file, but there was no kernel file... Can I use the original, or do I need a new one, generated from this script?