View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] Missing features after upgrade to 3.0

19-05-13, 14:05
Hi community,

2 month ago, I finally gave OpenVIX 3.0 a try and upgraded my VU+ Duo.
Upgrade and installation of my plugins ran smoothly and normally I'm quite happy with it.
Every week I checked for software updates and installed them also - so currently I'm at 3.0.665.

But I'm missing a few features in 3.0, that I couldn't either find (also not on the forum) or they are not there anymore.:

1) With the "OK" button I'll get the 1st Inforbar and with the second press of the "OK" button I'll get the EPG-info of the current show.
In Version 2.x with the "right" crossbar button I got the EPG-info of the next show -
which is not working anymore in 3.0, it switches to the next channel now

2) In the EPG-Info displayed (the one from Pt. 1 above) in 2.x there was extra info about "similar broadcasts" - i.e. reruns of that show in the next days
This info is not there anymore in 3.0

3) And then I have a strange problem with the channel up/down buttons and bouquets
I have different bouquets and my settings are to switch across bouquets with the channel up/down buttons
But when pressing the channel up button on the last channel of the current bouquet just does not show the next channel
(i.e the first channel of the next bouquet) but some almost random channel of the next bouquet.
(my impression is, that it jumps to the last watched channel of the next bouquet) -
and I don't have the autobouquet plugin installed

Any ideas, if and how to get back the features I'm used to (Pt. 1+2)
and what could be the problem for Pt. 3
