View Full Version : Solo2 freezes

17-05-13, 07:49
I have a big problem with my Solo2(s) but it is not specific for ViX.

Up to yesterday I had 2 Solo2 running for around 6 month without any problem. Yesterday I wanted to install a hdd to my 2nd Solo2 and clone ViX from 1st box to 2nd box. All went perfect but a few seconds after the reboot picture freezed and box could not controlled anymore (no RC, no net). Sound was still there. After a few tests I found out that all current images (ViX, VTi and even OI 2.1) were freezing when a softcam is active and I put a card in a slot. I tested with CCcam and oscam.

Sadly I didnīt leave my 1st box untouched because I tested changing the hdd and now both boxes have the same problem. Today I will change hdds back so that my 1st box is in the state from yesterday and see what happens.

I a German board quite a few user have freezing problems with the Solo2.

Did anyone had a similar experience? Any idea?


17-05-13, 12:36
I have not installed a hard drive to mine yet, Is this a common issue? should I stay with a external drive?

17-05-13, 12:50
I have a HDD installed in mine and apart from a initial problem it has been fine ever since.

I'll elaborate on the initial problem.

The first HDD i tried i took out of my Uno and for some reason with that HDD plugged in the Solo2 would not boot in fact it would not even power on at all, the VFD was totally blank only the power button was very dimly lit. The instant i took this drive out and put a different one in every thing was fine and has been ever since.

17-05-13, 13:06
i have a solo2 with internal HDD in it,, never had a problem with it.................cheers satcat

Rob van der Does
17-05-13, 13:20
i have a solo2 with internal HDD in it,, never had a problem with it.................cheers satcat
That applies to most users, but this thread is about people who do have them.

18-05-13, 07:36
my Solo2s were also running fine for around 6 month with hard drive. My problem appeared quite surprising for me. Serial log also freezes so no help.

I have to do more tests but I am little ill at the moment.
