View Full Version : looking for a new receiver

09-05-13, 12:02
Hi all, I'm new to the forum and would like some advice from you pro's. I've been out of the satellite scene for quite a few years, my current box is a TM CI1500+ lol...yes i've been away that long. Just getting my 1m dish set up again with a DiSEqC motor. I'm in the market for a new receiver for obvious reasons but haven't got a clue where to start. I do quite like the spec on the Vu+ solo box from the site sponsor, the worry i've got though is as the newer solo+ 2 boxes are now available will the older Solo+ boxes soon be obsolete?, £300 is quite a bit more than i'm looking to spend at the moment, but £179 would be ok. I haven't got a clue nowdays as to what firmware is preferable (as I notice WoS can flash different ones when I buy the box), so any tips and help on this would be a bonus too.Sorry to be a N00b all over again lol

Cheers guys


09-05-13, 12:46
If your ok with a single tuner I can totally recommend Maxdigital xp1000 from sponsor with vix image, £134 with a £5off voucher code. Its fantastic for the price

09-05-13, 12:47
Solo and sllo2 are two different beasts ones twin tuner and more oomph the other is a single.

What else you need the box to do - on-demand plugin?

As for firmware imho only one choice VIX but best to try them all and settle on the best.

09-05-13, 15:29
Thanks guys, single tuner is fine. As for what else i need it to do...well tbh, not sure as i said i've been out the game for a long time so not sure what they can do these days lol...Just a good general all rounder that isn't going to be obsolete in the next 12 months. I think i need to study a lot more to what these boxes can do. Thanks for the tip on the Vix firmware :)



09-05-13, 21:14
Your not going to find a box that will not be obsolete in 12 months! but if you stick to the VU or simialar make you should be fine as image support will carry on

10-05-13, 08:16
lol..cheers for that, supposed I should have guessed that really...same as anything electronic nowdays. Thanks again for your answer
