View Full Version : Ongoing issues since upgrading drive/vix

02-05-13, 15:35

Looking for some help.

I was running Vix 3.0.339 with a 250gb drive (Seagate Barracuda 7200.10), without any issues, other than I kept forgetting to delete programs and ended up missing recordings.

Since then I updated to Vix 3.0.649 and a 500gb drive (Seagate Barracuda 7200.10), the drive was working fine in my server, although I did notice that it was noisy and was causing strange crashes to vix (the vix logo rotates in the top left corner but the box has to be powered off as the remote doesn't do anything) I put this down to it being an old drive that maybe had underlying issues.

I then put in a 1tb (Samsung HD103UK) with vix 3.0.649 and I seem to be having the same issue as the 500gb, it will randomly crash and display the rotating logo on the top left, this happens mostly when watching a recording to the end, or pressing stop while watching a recorded show.

Any suggestions - my next text will be to put in the 250gb drive again and see if the issues disappear.


02-05-13, 15:55
Did you initialis the HDD and mount them?

What ext version are they. Try converting them to 4

02-05-13, 15:57
Yep, both initialised within the system - didn't convert them though - will give that a try - thanks

Rob van der Does
02-05-13, 18:01
If the HDD is formatted (initialised) by the box it will be in the Ext4 format, so there's no need for any conversion.